Feb 11, 2019 11:20 UTC

Welcome to this week's episode of the series 'Iranian Family". Based on the studies which have been carried out, spouses who use the term "us" more than others, are more successful in solving their problems, and progressing in life.

The spouses, who use the word "us" more than others in their communications, maintain a more positive outlook toward their married life, and always keep each other's company. These individuals are more satisfied with their lives and show lesser stress. In regard to elderly couples, those who often use the term "us" feel safer than others. In the meantime, couples who use the terms "I" or "you" further, consider themselves to lead a separate life and are content to a lesser extent. However, those couples who use the term 'us' maintain a peaceful co-existence with their spouses, despite differences of opinion between them.

One of the evident features of Iranian lifestyle, is the maintenance of appropriate and constructive communication among different generations of the Iranian community. In fact, although currently we are witness to emergence of new online rivals instead of interactions with family members and the familial elderly figures, this incident has not led to a generational gap within the Iranian society; and the differences have not caused any tension in the spiritual and moral relations among the family members. Based on several evidences, families in Iran continue to make the highest investments, and maintain the strongest sense of commitment toward their spouses and young children. The university professor and sociologist, Dr. Mahboubeh Babai, notes: "In Iran, familial values are more important than personal values, for women. Protection of spouse and children is considered to be the most important ethical value in the view of women in Iran. For the majority of Iranian women, emotional support for children is more important than provision of emotional support for themselves. In their pastime, women spend their time, catering for their family. One of the features of Iranian families is establishment of cooperation among the two genders for fulfillment of the familial duties, which reduces the differences in the lifestyles of men and women and reinforces familial decision-makings."

In fact, family is a center for understanding and worship of God, amity, and spirituality, and the spouses should assist each other in coverage of this spiritual path. When two faithful individuals get married, meeting their biological, physical, and spiritual needs, they attain peace of mind, which in turn leads them to accomplish superior spirituality for themselves and their beloved children. Cooperation of spouses in spiritual affairs highly contributes to the peaceful co-existence of Iranian married couples. Encouragement of maintenance of faith in God and piety, participation in worship of God, and participation in establishment of life goals, are some of these spiritual affairs. In the Islamic outlook, the individual is responsible toward his family and should establish a spiritual and monotheistic atmosphere at home, preventing the family members from derailment from the righteous path. This type of interpretation of existence, grants meaning to life.

Martyr Mohammad Ibrahim Hemmat was a courageous Iranian combatant, who fought bravely in warfronts. Meanwhile, he was very kind at home and toward his wife and child.

Martyr Hemmat's wife notes: "Whenever he came home, he took care of the rest of house chores. He took care of the baby and prepared milk for his child. He would set the dinner table, and wash and dry clothes. He was also very kind toward us. Haaj Hemmat maintained very honorable and respectable characteristic traits. He drew the kindness of others toward himself. In his first interaction with my family, he had managed to find a room for himself among them. When plans were made for us to talk prior to our marriage, he noted that he wanted every aspect of his life to be devoted to God, while asking me to talk about our future married life, if I was certain about getting married to him."

Establishment of an amicable relationship between spouses is the most important contributing factor toward peaceful co-existence of couples, and sustainability of married lives. It is necessary for spouses to fulfill each other's needs in an appropriate manner. When their innate needs are met; mutual happiness, amity, and respect is established between them.

Individuals seek to be honored and loved by their spouses. Individuals also like to be honored by their spouses in the presence of others. If one speaks honorably with one's spouse, the related spouse would feel respected. Otherwise, no attraction is established between them.

