Feb 22, 2019 10:14 UTC

The Iranian nation has turned into a model for other nations to show that they can stand against so-called big powers without fear and move forward.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, "The enemy, by monitoring the developments and activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, is completely angry and severely worried of Iran's turning from a backward and dependent country into an influential, effective country enjoying increasing political, defensive and scientific might."

Reminding the enmity of the American regime with the Iranian nation from the first days of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Leader added, "In those days there was neither the issue of nuclear energy, nor the missile nor the regional influence; but the Americans had understood that with the victory of the revolution they lost Iran as a subordinate, obsequious and very lucrative country."

The resounding triumph of the Islamic Revolution and increase of Iran's influence in the region and beyond has caused intensive bewilderment of the western regimes, especially the US, which have spent trillions of dollars to dominate over West Asia. There is an important reality in the 40-year confrontation of the US with Islamic Iran, i.e. the winner has always been the Islamic Republic of Iran and the loser has always been the regime of the United States of America as the symbol of every evil and the Great Satan as Imam Khomeini rightfully called the US. The Leader said, "During the past four decades, the main goal of the US was to once more dominate over Iran; but they have failed to attain this goal despite all efforts and conspiracies. Today, the only country, that America doesn't have the least role in its decisions, is the Islamic Republic of Iran; and this means the defeat of America."

Today, there are ample evidences that the power and awe of the US is declining across the world and the current US is much weaker than the US of 4 decades ago. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated, "The American soft power in the sense of convincing and making other countries believe its views is now in the weakest possible position; and especially after coming to power of the current American president, not only the nations but also the governments of Europe, China, Russia, India, Africa and Latin America are opposed to the US decisions. The American decline has turned into the reality that the world valid experts are unanimous upon. But on the other side of this challenge is the Iranian nation which has a bright and much better future with the motive, spirit, work and effort of its dear youths."

Daily Christian Science Monitor wrote that the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, called for reduction of Iran's influence and role in the region. And the Iranian officials reacted to these remarks as it was expected, saying that since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the American presidents have failed to weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran. This daily added that the unprecedented threats and pressures of the US cannot change Iran's strategic calculations. The Iranian officials have united in humiliating the requests of Pompeo and the new American strategy.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that even the hard power of the US (in military and economy) is declining. Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, "They have military tools but, due to depression, perplexity and hesitation, their soldiers have to take help from the criminal organizations like Blackwater to materialize their objectives in other countries."

Pointing to the United States' gargantuan debt and $800 billion deficit in the current year as the signs of the American economic decline, the Leader added, "They cover up these realities with pretense and motto; but the economic decline is evident beneath this gaudiness."

The country whose president calls the black and African people as shithole, and describes migrants as aggressors so that the children of migrants are brutally separated from their parents; the country which has the highest arms sale to its regional ally- Saudi regime- and assists this criminal regime in an unprecedented genocide in Yemen; how can such a country dare to ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to observe human rights?

The history of the US administrations is replete with audacity and scandal both internally and internationally. From the genocide of Red Indians (the genuine owners of the land) to slavery and discrimination against the black and Latinos, to atomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, genocide of millions of people in Vietnam and Korea to shooting down the Iranian passenger plane and killing the 290 passengers over Persian Gulf are just part of the US crimes throughout its history. The Leader said, "According to the divine law, America is doomed to perish from the world power scene."             

