Mar 16, 2016 09:29 UTC

As you might remember we talked about the benefit of marriage for the individual and the society. This week we discuss the ways of safeguarding a marriage. Don’t miss the program and stay with us.

One of the factors that consolidate a family framework is mutual respect. After being pronounced as man and wife, spouses become closest people to each other emotionally and physically. Clearly they expect more respect from their loved one than they do from other people as they become close to each other. It’s a matter of deep regret that this respect is vanishing little by little giving its place to disrespect under the guise of being friendly. The spouses who humiliate each other with the pretext of friendliness and intimacy are not aware of the devastating influence of it on the soul and heart of their loved one. Do you know what would be the result of such acts on the conjugal relationship that supposed to be brimmed over with purest love?

The least and of course the precious effect of respect between spouses is the elevation of love and affection and hence making the family environment warm. Respect can be represented by the way spouses talk to each other. The power of words can change marital bond into a dream-like relationship or else into a nightmare no one wishes to experience. Using words like thank you, please or calling each other by words like love or darling can have magical effect on the relationship between husband and wife. On the contrary acting bossy at home makes spouses far from each other to the extent that they no longer feel close to each other. The spouses should know the fact that they are there to live, to enjoy life, to tackle problems hand in hand with no one being superior to the other one. The other secret that I want to tell you is about improving a relationship by ignoring reciprocal faults and completing each other.

Spouses should avoid backbiting each other and respect each other even in the other’s absence. They should also avoid blaming each other’s faults and discuss the issue indirectly without hurting their feelings. How nice it would be when spouses always encourage each other in different ways. How nice it is to praise each other and thank one another for doing anything. Gratitude and praise doubles faith, love and affection between spouses. One way of respecting each other better and gaining a mutual understanding is knowing each other well. This of course leads to know when and where to act so that no one would be hurt and misunderstanding would be avoided. Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon Him and his progeny) said: “He who gets a spouse, should respect her.”