Jan 17, 2019 08:28 UTC

When the US President, Donald Trump, announced al-Quds as the capital of the usurper Israeli regime, the Islamic Republic, in an extraordinary session of Organization of Islamic Cooperation, called for formation of an "expertise group" composed of legal, political and economic specialists of the member states to closely examine and compile the mechanisms for countering the illegal decision of the US government to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to al-Quds.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes in a few principles with regard to the issue of Quds. Firstly, Palestinians are the real owners of the Land of Palestine and no fake alternative or identity can change this reality. Secondly, the international duty and responsibility should be done in exposing the goals of the US's and the Zionists' plot for complete occupation of al-Quds. Thirdly, we believe in the definitiveness of the rights of the Palestinian nation.

The Palestinian people have never accepted to compromise with the occupiers to liberate their land. Today, too, they have stood against the occupiers more decisively than ever; although some of the Arab regimes have approved the Zionist regime's occupation and usurpation of the Palestinian territories through formation of alliances and signing of accords with the regime.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, "Now, the Americans have named their devilish policy on Palestine as 'Deal of the Century', but they must know that, with the divine grace, this deal of the century will never materialize and, to the chagrin of the US statesmen, the issue of Palestine will not be forgotten and al-Quds will remain the capital of Palestine."

The Leader added, "Of course, some of the Islamic governments, which have no belief in Islam, have become the scapegoats of the Americans due to stupidity, ignorance and worldly desires; but with the divine help, the Islamic Ummah and the Palestinian nation will triumph over their enemies and you'll see that the root of the fabricated Zionist regime will be eradicated from the land of Palestine."

The fact of the matter is that the Palestinian nation faces a historical oppression as the usurper and child-killer regime in Tel Aviv, with the support of the US, has turned into an anti-human cancerous tumor. In such circumstances, the international community, including the United Nations and international legal institutions, which assume the heavy responsibility of defending the innocent Palestinian nation, should fulfill their duties; but the record of their performance shows that they have not adhered to their mission and been always danced to the tune of the world powers, especially the US.

A simple glance at the conditions in the world indicates that the culture of resistance is expanding and impacting the global developments.

'Iran's Defence Minister, Brigadier General Amir Hatami, in a speech, stressed that: "The authorities of the occupying and repressive Zionist regime have well understood that, in spite of superficial successes in expansionism till 1979, they haven't been victorious in any war since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and they have been declining in achieving their illegitimate objectives; and this trend will continue in future, too, and their definite fate is what the leader has said. What has caused the defeats of this regime has been the lofty thought and ideal of the Islamic Revolution and the current of resistance has followed this thought."

The United States and a few western regimes, which claim to defend democracy, are real hypocrites and imposters as they support the most primitive and undemocratic regimes in West Asia such as Bahrain and Saudi regimes which have never experienced election. History has proved that the crimes of Israel against the Palestinian nation, which began since the very day of illegitimate birth of this regime, will not end except through resistance and perseverance. Abdul Bari Atwan, famous Arab analyst, says on the demonstrators in Gaza who are shot dead by the Israeli criminals, "They were unarmed people who had hoisted their flags and gone to the border. There was only a fence between them and the Israelis. The Israelis used long-range guns. But the western media describe this issue as violent rallies. Did the Palestinians have guns? Did they have explosives? This is indescribable. The measures of the western media are a sort of demonizing every event. They have hidden the reality."

The rights of the oppressed nations have been trampled upon for years and this oppression is not limited to Palestine. Criminal regimes have resorted to the tools like annulment of nationality whenever they see a protest.

This, while article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based on the principle of "Nationality Right."

This declaration, which has been accepted by western regimes masquerading as defenders of human rights, stresses that no one can be deprived of his nationality. Nevertheless, the repressive tyrannical regimes like Ale Khalifa in Bahrain, with full support of the US and Saudi regime, deprive their opponents of their nationality while there is no cry of human rights by westerners. The Islamic Republic of Iran is vehemently opposed to such hypocritical conduct and keeps condemning it. The support for oppressed and downtrodden nations has been internalized in the Islamic Republic system. In the next episode we will further discuss the issue. 

