• War not the solution for India and Pakistan

    War not the solution for India and Pakistan

    Mar 05, 2019 10:18

    Now that Pakistan as a goodwill gesture has released the captured Indian pilot of the Mig 21 downed in a dogfight on its territory and segments of the political parties and media in India have welcomed the move, it is time to stop provocative and warmongering statements in order to give peace a chance for the good of both the countries.

  • US urges 'calm' while stoking India-Pakistan conflict

    US urges 'calm' while stoking India-Pakistan conflict

    Mar 03, 2019 13:11

    Strategic Culture Foundation editorial has shed light on the US real role in the India-Pakistan conflict.

  • Terrorism watchdog castigates Pakistan over aid to militants

    Terrorism watchdog castigates Pakistan over aid to militants

    Feb 24, 2019 15:05

    The terrorist attacks that recently rocked Iran and India resulting in the killing of scores of security personnel in the two countries, had their source in Pakistan, with which both Tehran and New Delhi launched strong protests and warned of retaliatory actions against terrorist bases in that country.

  • On the road in the Qaraqoram

    On the road in the Qaraqoram

    Dec 28, 2018 20:27

    The greatest geological and geopolitical road trip on earth symbolizes the big ambitions of CPEC or the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, says Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar in his latest article for Asia Times, titled: “On the Road in the Qaraqoram”, having referred to the same subject in his previous article, titled: “The new Great Game on the Roof of the World”, which we presented to our listeners a few days back.

  • Iqbal and the liberation of the Muslim world

    Iqbal and the liberation of the Muslim world

    Dec 07, 2018 08:05

    This is an abridged version of a paper presented by ICIT Director Zafar Bangash at the International Iqbal Society, Canada Chapter in Whitby (near Toronto) on November-3-2018.

  • Pakistan in the middle of Saudi, Iran and rival pipeline plans

    Pakistan in the middle of Saudi, Iran and rival pipeline plans

    Nov 14, 2018 16:47

    Because of pressures and monetary grants from Saudi Arabia, the government of Pakistan seems to be caught on the horns of the dilemma regarding the peace pipeline project offered by neighbour Iran for supply of natural gas.

  • How the US gains enemies and alienates friends

    How the US gains enemies and alienates friends

    Oct 25, 2018 09:24

    It was hardly earth-shattering news that the Pakistan Navy had withdrawn its two warships from the multi-national Combined Task Force (CTF 151) that has been operating in an anti-piracy role in the western Indian Ocean since 2009.

  • Onus on Iran, Turkey & Pakistan to knit ranks against US plots

    Onus on Iran, Turkey & Pakistan to knit ranks against US plots

    Sep 05, 2018 09:37

    Till now, Iran was the lone voice in the region vis-à-vis the enmity of successive US administrations against independent Muslim countries, which are beginning to realize the roguish nature of Washington, as Turkey is experiencing with sanctions on its economy, and as Pakistan has begun to suffer with cuts in the hundreds of millions of dollars it used to receive as aid for the so-called campaign against terrorism.

  • How US theatrics could jump start Iran-Pakistan pipeline project

    How US theatrics could jump start Iran-Pakistan pipeline project

    Aug 28, 2018 09:02

    The change of guard in Islamabad might be helpful to Tehran, says Hamed A. Kermani, PhD candidate in international relations at Iran’s Allamah Tabatabaei University and currently a visiting research fellow at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, in his article titled: “How US theatrics could jump start Iran-Pakistan pipeline project”.

  • Will Imran Khan succeed in restoring Pak-Iran traditionally friendly ties?

    Will Imran Khan succeed in restoring Pak-Iran traditionally friendly ties?

    Jul 30, 2018 19:26

    The elections in Pakistan that have propelled a new face as prime minister who seems intent to change the policies of the government is being interestingly watched by neighbours, including the Islamic Republic of Iran.