• Battle of Idlib: No mass flight, expulsion or humanitarian crisis

    Battle of Idlib: No mass flight, expulsion or humanitarian crisis

    Sep 06, 2018 19:49

    Syrian President Bashar Assad says “Idlib Province is home to tens of thousands of terrorists and that region is among the priority areas for the Syrian military's operations.”

  • US, Britain, France Nail Colors to Terrorist Mast

    US, Britain, France Nail Colors to Terrorist Mast

    Sep 01, 2018 21:33

    It was quite an admission recently, albeit unintentional. The three Western members of the UN Security Council – the US, Britain and France – all gave warning that they would carry out military strikes on Syria if the government forces there were to use chemical weapons.

  • Year 2017 results: Some go up, while others go down

    Year 2017 results: Some go up, while others go down

    Jan 07, 2018 20:15

    As the year 2017 came to the closure, one couldn’t help but notice the deep wounds that it left on the face of this world. Among those one can mention the never-ending horror of the Syrian war, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine, that are claiming thousands of innocent civilians, while affecting elder people, women and children the most. The victims of these conflicts won’t live to see the peaceful future tomorrow, if there’s one after all that killing.

  • Letter from Iraq – Daesh killing field, grief, forgiveness, and 20 million pilgrims

    Letter from Iraq – Daesh killing field, grief, forgiveness, and 20 million pilgrims

    Nov 18, 2017 20:19

    Despite the traumas that the Iraqi people have gone through over the past three years in suffering macabre massacres at the hands of cannibalistic Takfiri terrorists backed by the unholy trinity of Saudi Arabia, the US, and the illegal Zionist entity.

  • Raqqa Destroyed, Daeshwas Bogeyman Encouraged by Western Powers

    Raqqa Destroyed, Daeshwas Bogeyman Encouraged by Western Powers

    Oct 27, 2017 19:08

    The current propaganda campaign in the US and western media of the supposed liberation of the Syrian city of Raqqa by mainly Kurdish forces supported by air strikes and weapons by the Americans, is actually nothing but a clumsy attempt by Washington to have an illegal foothold on Syrian soil through the largely destroyed city which the Takfiri terrorists had called the capital of their spurious caliphate.

  • Syria-Western Media War (4)

    Syria-Western Media War (4)

    Jan 26, 2017 12:20

    From the beginning of the civil war, Syria has been exposed to a full-fledged media war of over 80 countries. In the previous part of this series we reviewed another part of the western media’s falsification towards Syrian crisis.

  • Syrian-Western Media War (3)

    Syrian-Western Media War (3)

    Jan 26, 2017 12:18

    The westerners and reactionary Arab regimes are not content with equipping terrorists with arms. They rather embark on fabricating news and programs to deceive public opinion and depict terrorists as ordinary people and not their own handmade barbaric agents.

  • Syria-Western Media War (2)

    Syria-Western Media War (2)

    Jan 26, 2017 12:16

    For 3000 years Aleppo has undergone many events but 4 years of war and presence of terrorists have ruined the major part of the city, the war and destruction which has been totally reversed by the narrative given by the western media.

  • Syria-Western Media War (1)

    Syria-Western Media War (1)

    Jan 26, 2017 12:11

    While the western media claim to be free thinkers in fact they conceal realities and justify the obscenity of western states. We should not be misled, it is the western countries which through their policies in Syria have victimized millions of people and instigated the current crisis in the country.

  • Berlin attack Takfiri strategy to sharpen Muslim, non-Muslim divide

    Berlin attack Takfiri strategy to sharpen Muslim, non-Muslim divide

    Dec 26, 2016 21:18

    Islamophobia is on the rise in Europe, as part of the strategy of the enemies to tarnish the image of Islam, by promoting such Godless elements as the Takfiri terrorists, including the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also called ‘Daesh’, which has no relation whatsoever with the genuine teachings of faith, as preached by Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Here is an analysis by Joby Warrick titled “Berlin Attack Takfiri Strategy to Sharpen Muslim, Non-Muslim Divide”.