• The Saudi crown prince’s crippled agenda

    The Saudi crown prince’s crippled agenda

    Oct 19, 2019 10:30

    Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, or MbS must not be a happy man. He wanted the war on Yemen to become his signature victory and cement his reputation domestically and regionally.

  • 'No country can create insecurity and expect no answer'

    'No country can create insecurity and expect no answer'

    Oct 16, 2019 10:41

    The Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan who was in Tehran on Sunday Oct. 13, 2019 to try to defuse rising tensions in the Persian Gulf, said the main reason for his trip is that his country does not "want a new conflict in this region."

  • Ansarallah drones destabilize petrodollar as the West falsely blames Iran

    Ansarallah drones destabilize petrodollar as the West falsely blames Iran

    Oct 10, 2019 09:09

    Yemenis have retaliated against U.S.-supported Saudi war crimes with decisive attacks to cripple Aramco oil installations, while the suppliers of lethal weapons to Riyadh to kill the Yemeni people, are trying in vain to accuse the Islamic Republic.

  • Do the Saudis really believe in peace?

    Do the Saudis really believe in peace?

    Oct 10, 2019 08:58

    There are reports circulating in the international media of a sudden change of heart and inclination towards talks and negotiations by Riyadh, following the decisive retaliatory attacks of the Yemenis on oil and industrial installations, but observers view this as a tactical or more properly a deceitful move from Saudi Arabia rather than any sincere intention to work towards peace.

  • Why is Europe still fueling the war in Yemen?

    Why is Europe still fueling the war in Yemen?

    Oct 09, 2019 17:18

    Despite attempts to ban arms exports, European countries remain important weapons suppliers to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and thus accomplices in the war crimes against the people of Yemen.

  • What a U.N. report on war crimes in Yemen means for U.S.-Saudi weapon sales

    What a U.N. report on war crimes in Yemen means for U.S.-Saudi weapon sales

    Oct 09, 2019 17:12

    Without the least doubt, Washington is a comrade in the Riyadh regime’s state terrorism against the people of Yemen through supply of state-of-the-art military technology that over the past four-and-a-half years killed over a hundred thousand men, women, and children, in addition to plunging the country in famine and epidemics.

  • America is complicit in war crimes in Yemen

    America is complicit in war crimes in Yemen

    Oct 08, 2019 11:35

    The following is an article in this regard written by Mohamad Bazzi, a journalism professor at New York University, under the heading "America is complicit in war crimes in Yemen, it's time to hold the US to account." The article was taken from the website of the British daily 'The Guardian.'  

  • Tragic folly: Supporting death and destruction in Yemen

    Tragic folly: Supporting death and destruction in Yemen

    Oct 05, 2019 13:13

    Everyday Yemenis are conscious of where the bombs and missiles originate: fragments of unexploded materials litter the ground with clearly identifiable writing. Bethen Makernan of the Guardian wrote: “Technical information and serial numbers from missile parts that survive explosions can easily be traced to Western arms manufacturers.” 

  • Holes in the burning Saudi oil fields

    Holes in the burning Saudi oil fields

    Oct 05, 2019 13:02

    The following is an article in this regard by MintPress Founder, CEO and Editor-in- Chief Mnar Muhawesh, titled: “Holes in the Burning Saudi Oil Fields”. She is a regular speaker on responsible journalism, and a critic of the neo- conservative media.

  • Why UN doesn’t like US

    Why UN doesn’t like US

    Oct 04, 2019 08:19

    US President Donald Trump's ‘America First’ concept contradicts the values of the United Nations, denying the broad consensus of the international community to pursue common development through cooperation and to solve global problems through shared responsibility.