• Who really wants peace in Yemen?

    Who really wants peace in Yemen?

    Dec 09, 2018 09:10

    When US Secretary of War Jim Mattis called on October 30 for “ceasefire” in Yemen, did he really mean it? He said he wanted to bring about an end to hostilities and hoped that all parties could be brought to the negotiation table by the end of November.

  • Children, civilization's future, victims of western brutality

    Children, civilization's future, victims of western brutality

    Dec 06, 2018 08:03

    The United Nations Universal Children’s Day– 20 November – has come and gone – and nothing has changed. No action that would now protect children any more than before, no move even by the UN to call on nations at war to take special care to protect children – if for nothing else but the fact that children are our planet's future.

  • Yemen: Suffer the little children

    Yemen: Suffer the little children

    Dec 05, 2018 10:16

    Amal Hussain, the 7-year-old Yemeni girl, died of hunger on November 1. Her frail frame could no longer withstand even the meagre demands of survival. Amal’s grieving mother said her “heart was broken.” She was now worried about her other children; they too might succumb to hunger. The reason is that little or no food is being allowed into war-torn Yemen as it is pounded by a Saudi-led coalition of warmongers from the air and blockaded at sea.

  • UN negotiations falter as Saudi airstrikes continue on Yemen

    UN negotiations falter as Saudi airstrikes continue on Yemen

    Dec 02, 2018 10:29

    “There is no point in negotiations with a party that is looking to obtain through talks what it has failed to achieve through a military campaign,” said Ansarallah chief negotiator Mohammed Abdus-Salaam in response to the illogical demands of the foreign backed forces, coupled with the unabated strikes on Yemen by Saudi Arabia, as part of the pressure tactics to dent the morale of the defenders.

  • 85,000 children may have already died of hunger in Yemen

    85,000 children may have already died of hunger in Yemen

    Nov 30, 2018 16:49

    Saudi Arabia continues with its crimes against humanity, with the support of the US and the Zionist regime, as the people of Yemen are ground into dust with death and destruction everywhere.

  • The nefarious reasons behind the US-British sudden concern for civilians in Yemen

    The nefarious reasons behind the US-British sudden concern for civilians in Yemen

    Nov 23, 2018 20:55

    The sudden claim for peace talks to end the three-and-a-half year long war in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and its western backers is not out of concern for the huge loss of life and destruction of the country, but a ruse to trick the Yemeni resistance into submission.

  • US calls for ceasefire, keeps attacking Yemen

    US calls for ceasefire, keeps attacking Yemen

    Nov 18, 2018 20:01

    In case you missed it, US efforts to prolong the world’s most serious humanitarian crisis in Yemen continue to succeed spectacularly. US military support enables the Saudi coalition to continue to bomb markets, docks, mosques, hospitals, school buses, weddings and funerals, and other civilian targets with impunity. The Yemenis have no effective air defenses.

  • Yemen is another US dirty war

    Yemen is another US dirty war

    Nov 16, 2018 18:27

    (By David William Pear, a Senior Editor for OpEdNews.com and a Senior Contributing Editor for The Greanville Post)

  • Yemen: A US-Orchestrated Living Hell

    Yemen: A US-Orchestrated Living Hell

    Nov 14, 2018 11:40

    Media reports on devastating war in Yemen, including from most alternative sources, fail to explain the conflict was planned and orchestrated in Washington.

  • The enduring shame

    The enduring shame

    Nov 13, 2018 15:03

    Aid agencies and medical staff on the ground in Hodeida are begging the international community to intervene to stop the violence in the besieged Yemeni city as Saudi Arabia and its coalition forces struggle to gain the upper hand in a lost war.