•  “Sickening Cowardice” - Theresa May Must be Held to Account on the Plight of Yemen’s Children

     “Sickening Cowardice” - Theresa May Must be Held to Account on the Plight of Yemen’s Children

    Jun 05, 2017 16:06

    The death count from the terrorist attack on Manchester’s now sits at twenty two. Over sixty others wounded. The sad toll from an act of shockingly brutal callousness now seems to have thankfully stopped increasing.

  • Bani Saud's ongoing genocide in Yemen

    Bani Saud's ongoing genocide in Yemen

    May 13, 2017 15:07

    According to the UN, every 10 minutes 1 child dies in Yemen as a result of the Saudi war and carnage in the country; though the real figure of casualties may be higher.

  • End the ongoing Yemeni catastrophe ‘now’           

    End the ongoing Yemeni catastrophe ‘now’           

    Apr 29, 2017 09:55

    Two years ago, a so-called coalition of ten Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia launched military aggression against the state of Yemen, while enjoying the active military and political support of the United States.

  • A call to reason

    A call to reason

    Apr 26, 2017 16:23

    Islamabad’s recent joining of the so-called coalition of countries against terror, under the auspices of Takfiri-backer Saudi Arabia, and naming of its ex-army chief as overall commander of the joint military forces, has drawn sharp criticism in Pakistan.

  • Is the world catching on to Saudi crimes in Yemen?

    Is the world catching on to Saudi crimes in Yemen?

    Apr 22, 2017 16:25

    For all intents and purposes Yemen has been decimated by a military onslaught of gargantuan proportion - one of the poorest nations on the planet versus an alliance of several superpowers.

  • Britain must look at its own war crimes in Yemen

    Britain must look at its own war crimes in Yemen

    Apr 10, 2017 09:15

    The British regime has become militarily extreme; scornful of compromise; without regard for conventional understanding of facts and evidence and dismissive of the legitimacy of International Law. It has all but declared war on the people of Yemen, against whom it is supplying Saudi Arabia with deadly weapons to destroy the country.

  • Destruction and death stalk Yemen

    Destruction and death stalk Yemen

    Mar 11, 2017 10:38

    It is almost two years since Ale Saud launched their genocidal war on Yemen, the poorest country in West Asia. The result has been disastrous for the Yemeni people as the latest report by Yemen’s Legal Center for Rights and Development (LCRD) shows. Released on February 23, the report by the independent monitoring group found that the Saudi-led campaign had resulted in 12,041 civilian deaths since March 26, 2015. Of these, 2,568 were children and 1,870 women.

  • Yemen: In the Shadow of Death

    Yemen: In the Shadow of Death

    Feb 20, 2017 10:36

    How did Nawar al-Awlaki, an 8-year-old child, die at the hands of a Navy Seal during last month’s nighttime raid in Yemen? We know from credible reports that she was shot in the neck at close range and received no medical aid throughout the remaining two hours of her life. Some questions come to mind: Was the shooting intentional?

  • Yemen: America’s shame

    Yemen: America’s shame

    Feb 11, 2017 16:03

    Why are the Americans helping the Saudis to commit war crimes? The ridiculous truth is that the imposition of a travel ban on Yemen – in addition to six other countries – has evoked more anguish than America’s major role in making that country unlivable.

  • The plight of Yemeni children and US arms sales to the Saudi regime

    The plight of Yemeni children and US arms sales to the Saudi regime

    Feb 04, 2017 15:29

    While the world has been transfixed on the tragedy in Syria, another tragedy has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from malnutrition, diarrhea, or respiratory-tract infections. And without immediate medical attention, over 400,000 kids suffering from severe acute malnutrition could die, too.