• Biden's drone wars

    Biden's drone wars

    Apr 21, 2021 16:57

    Talk of peace in Afghanistan, Yemen, the streets of the U.S., is not coherent while waging wars with drones.

  • Biden breaks campaign promise, approves arms sale to Saudi Arabia

    Biden breaks campaign promise, approves arms sale to Saudi Arabia

    Apr 19, 2021 15:20

    Above and beyond the reach of powerful politicians is the true business of the United States, its most profitable enterprise and its ideologically ingrained mission: war. Practically nothing seems to get in the way of imperialism and war, and specifically the sale of U.S. war weapons abroad.

  • Months after Biden promised to end support for Yemen war, Congress still has no details

    Months after Biden promised to end support for Yemen war, Congress still has no details

    Apr 17, 2021 07:16

    More than two months after President Joe Biden announced that he would end “all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales,” his administration has yet to detail what forms of support the U.S. has cut off.

  • Hunting in Yemen: The war must end

    Hunting in Yemen: The war must end

    Apr 16, 2021 08:23

    Since March 29th, in Washington, D.C., Iman Saleh, age 26, has been on a hunger strike to demand an end to the war in Yemen. She is joined by five others from her group, The Yemeni Liberation Movement. The hunger strikers point out that enforcement of the Saudi- led US- backed coalition blockade relies substantially on U.S. weaponry.

  • Calls mount for Biden to end US complicity in starvation of Yemen

    Calls mount for Biden to end US complicity in starvation of Yemen

    Apr 15, 2021 19:15

    Calls grow for US President Joe Biden to end all U.S. support for Saudi Arabia which is preventing food, medicine, fuel, and other aid from reaching starving Yemenis.

  • Yemen’s blood is on US hands, and still US lies about war

    Yemen’s blood is on US hands, and still US lies about war

    Apr 07, 2021 14:06

    Biden promised that the US would be “ending all American support for operations in the war in Yemen.” Biden gave no specific details. The six-year bombing continues. The six-year naval blockade of Yemen continues. The humanitarian crisis continues, with the threat of famine looming. In effect, Biden has participated in war crimes since January 20, with no policy in sight to end the killing.

  • In Yemen, 6 years of suffering and death in an ill-fated war

    In Yemen, 6 years of suffering and death in an ill-fated war

    Apr 02, 2021 13:56

    Nearly a quarter of a million people have died since the start of the Saudi-UAE- US invasion of Yemen because of indiscriminate air strikes, a blockade, and preventable diseases resulting from the destruction of civilian infrastructure and a shortage of medical supplies.

  • Quarter of civilian casualties from US-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen were children

    Quarter of civilian casualties from US-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen were children

    Mar 31, 2021 15:47

    Warning that millions of children in Yemen remain at risk of death, injury, starvation, or disease, Save the Children detailed how the war is growing deadlier for young Yemenis.

  • Report spotlights civilian harm from US drone strikes in Yemen

    Report spotlights civilian harm from US drone strikes in Yemen

    Mar 30, 2021 08:37

    A report published recently by Yemeni human rights defenders examines dozens of casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes and other attacks on civilians in the war-torn nation in recent years, incidents the publication says often occur without accountability, investigation, compensation—and sometimes even acknowledgment.

  • Yemen invasion: Generation of children grows up knowing only conflict

    Yemen invasion: Generation of children grows up knowing only conflict

    Mar 24, 2021 13:50

    In 2020, international NGO Save the Children said that years of Saudi-led US- backed invasion of Yemen have had a devastating impact on the mental health of an entire generation of children, pushing some to the brink of depression, according to a survey.