Persian Gulf pirate coast’s preposterous lies against Iran
(last modified Tue, 05 Mar 2019 21:41:22 GMT )
Mar 05, 2019 21:41 UTC

It has become a sort of disease for some spurious states to target the Islamic Republic, at the behest of their masters in the West, and label all sorts of accusations against Iran, as was evident recently at the foreign ministerial meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Stay with us for a Viewpoint Column that appeared in this regard in Iran’s English language daily ‘Kayhan International’, titled: “Persian Gulf Pirate Coast’s Preposterous Lies against Iran”.

Kayhan International wrote: “It is rather strange that petty potentates who owe their fiefdoms to Britain, cling to the aprons of the US for survival, and dally with the Zionists to backstab the oppressed Palestinians and other Arabs as part of treason against Islam, have the audacity to lay claim to three of Iran’s Persian Gulf islands and accuse the Islamic Republic of interference and promotion of sectarian tendencies.

“The other day at the 46th foreign ministerial meeting of the 57-state OIC in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the 7-sheikhdom UAE confederation – known until recently as Trucial States of the Oman Coast or simply the Pirate Coast of the Persian Gulf – Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed, whose country, along with Saudi Arabia, is engaged in the massacre of the people of Yemen, raised eyebrows at the gathering by demanding that Iran hand over the three islands of Bu Musa Tumb-e Bozorg and Tumb-e Kuchak and stop the spread of sectarianism chaos.

“It was obvious that Abdullah made a laughing stock of himself, along with the Jewish-looking foreign minister of state of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir, who immediately seconded him, as is his wont, by indulging in the most preposterous lies against the Islamic Republic.”

Kayhan International said: “It is a matter of regret that the OIC which was founded in 1969 following the arson attack on the al-Aqsa Mosque in the Zionist occupied Islamic city of Bayt al-Moqaddas primarily for a united Muslim campaign to free Palestine, has been turned into a tool of Israel and the US.

“Instead of focusing on Islamic solidarity and efforts to resolve issues of the Ummah, OIC is being used by agents of American imperialism and Zionism to sow seeds of discord amongst Muslim countries.

“The whole world knows how the reactionary Arab regimes have betrayed the Palestinian cause and turned their backs upon Islam’s first qibla by endorsing its usurpation by the Zionists, while it is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is firmly supporting the cause of its Sunni Muslim Palestinian brethren.

“The same broadminded policy of Iran is witnessed in other parts of the Muslim world, including Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, including the areas inhabited by the Kurdish Sunni people, who acknowledge the role played by Tehran to save them from the Saudi-Emirati-backed murderously macabre Takfiri sectarian terrorists and the resulting chaos, instability, and big power domination.

“Therefore, in view of these undeniable facts, Abdullah bin Zayed’s worthless statement doesn’t deserve any attention, and on the concluding day of the OIC meeting in Abu Dhabi have already been firmly answered by the Iranian delegation led by the Foreign Ministry’s Deputy for Legal and International Affairs, Gholam Hussain Dehqani.”

Iran has dismissed recent "false, wrong and hackneyed" allegations made by the Emirati foreign minister during the opening meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Abu Dhabi, saying such claims are aimed at covering up the country’s destructive policies toward the Muslim world.

Kayhan International said: “Here we suffice to restate what Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, said in response as "false, incorrect and repeated allegations against Iran, which unfortunately, certain countries have gotten used to repeating in order to cover up the damages that their policies have caused to the Islamic world.”

“He added: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s sovereignty over the said islands is an undoubted issue, and raising such claims (by UAE) will not change or affect the legal status of these islands and the fact that they belong to the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

