Spectacular Yemeni victory spells doom of Saudi regime
(last modified Tue, 01 Oct 2019 10:20:13 GMT )
Oct 01, 2019 10:20 UTC

The recent wiping out of entire three Saudi military brigades in Najran by the Yemeni forces in a decisive cross-border operation has started the ringing of alarm bells in Riyadh.

The following is a Viewpoint written in this regard by columnist S. Nawabzadeh for Iran’s English language daily ‘Kayhan International’ on Monday, September 30, titled: “Spectacular Yemeni Victory Spells Doom of Saudi Regime”.

The column started with ayah 13 of Surah Saff of the holy Qur’an which reads:    “Nasrun min Allah; wa fat'hun qareeb”. It means: Help from Allah and victory is near.”

Columnist Nawabzadeh said: “It was yet another manifest fulfillment of the Divine Promise of assistance from the heavens to ensure the triumph of the believers over the heretical aggressors.

“I mean the latest decisive operation in parts of Occupied Najran launched with the above-mentioned Qur’anic phrase by the indomitable Yemeni forces that resulted in the annihilation of three Saudi brigades and the capture of over three thousand enemy troops, in addition to the killing and wounding of more than five hundred soldiers trained by the Americans and equipped with sophisticated weapons made in the U.S., Britain and France.

“Video footage of the operations that came on the heels of the spectacular drone attack of September 14 that destroyed the Abqaiq oil installations, showed tanks and armoured vehicles, several of them ablaze, with clear Saudi markings, along with huge piles of U.S.-British manufactured weapons and ammunition seized by the Ansarallah forces.

“The footage focused on rows of fresh corpses in Saudi military uniforms, in addition to the captured soldiers clad in Saudi fatigues, and many of them officers, speaking the Saudi dialect of Arabic and sheepishly admitting their defeat.

“They said the lightning operation, accompanied with a barrage of missiles and drones, caught them by surprise and they had no other choice but to surrender. Many of those captured confessed that they did not know what they were fighting for, and why the Wahhabi regime in Riyadh was sending them to their death.”

The Kayhan International Viewpoint pointed out: “It seems, the Saudi authorities, who initially respond with lies and denials to such devastating retaliatory attacks by Yemen’s defenders, are in a state of shock, since they have not said anything so far.

“Horrified at the footage released by al-Masirah TV, they might be frantically conferring with their masters in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv, as to utter what preposterous lies this time, in the aftermath of their failed propaganda to put the blame upon Iran for the Abqaiq drone attacks.

“Of course, the Americans and the Saudis will again try to frame up the Islamic Republic and accuse it of supporting the Yemenis, in a bid to deflect attention from the U.S.-supported war crimes of Riyadh that over the past four-and-a-half years have killed almost a hundred thousand men, women, and children in Yemen, in addition to destroying that country’s infrastructure, making hundreds of thousands homeless, and trapping millions of others in famine and epidemics.

“Meanwhile, independent analysts in the West say there is no reason to doubt the latest communiques from Sana’a, since the video and images being broadcast by al-Masirah clearly affirm the rout of the Saudi ground forces, indicating a pivotal turn in the imposed war that now sees Yemenis in the ascendant and moving inside what is called Saudi territory.

“It is worth noting, Najran, along with Asir and Jeezan have been historically and geographically integral parts of Yemen, until their seizure in 1934 by Abdul-Aziz, the desert brigand from Najd for whom Britain created the spurious state called Saudi Arabia in 1932, seven years after he brutally attacked and occupied Hijaz the Land of Divine Revelation by massacring tens of thousands of Muslims in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, as well as in Jeddah and Ta’ef – even in the precincts of the sacred Ka’ba and the shrine of Prophet Muhammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny).”

As noted by Nawabzadeh for Kayhan International: “Observers believe that if the Ansarallah can deal such a deadly blow to the Saudis, then they are capable of not just crippling the Saudi oil industry with more drone and missile attacks, but advancing further north with the aim of liberating Hijaz.

“If such a scenario materializes, then people of other occupied parts of Arabia, especially the Shi’a-Muslim majority of the oil-rich east, will launch their own uprisings for freedom.

“In such a case, the Wahhabis will be pushed back into their native Najd, if not totally annihilated, while the Saudi ruling family flees to the U.S. and Europe with hundreds of billions of dollars of the looted wealth of the people that Washington will definitely welcome, rather than back a losing horse and risk the end of its political influence in Arabia with the new rulers.

“Insha Allah (God Willing), the end of this criminal clique that slavishly serves U.S.-Zionist interests and creates macabrely murderous terrorists to destabilize Muslim lands, is near.” 




