A thousandth day & the destruction of Yemen goes on
(last modified Sat, 30 Dec 2017 20:25:44 GMT )
Dec 30, 2017 20:25 UTC

It seems there is no end to the state terrorism of Saudi Arabia, which emboldened by its ties to the super terrorist, the US, continues to bomb Yemen to bits, but when there is retaliation from the defenders, Riyadh cries and tries to act innocent as if the Yemenis have committed a crime.

Here is a Viewpoint Column that appeared in Iran’s English language daily Kayhan International on Thursday, December 21, written by analyst S. Nawabzadeh, and titled: “A Thousandth Day & the Destruction of Yemen Goes On.”

It is now more than a thousand days that Yemen continues to be bombed, burned, and bludgeoned beyond recognition by Saudi Arabia and its comrades-in-crimes with state-of-the-art US weapons, resulting in the killing so far of over 15,000 civilians in addition to the destruction of the infrastructure, while epidemics and famine loom large, but neither the UN is interested in reining-in the state terrorism of Riyadh nor a word is spoken against Wahhabi vandalism by the self-styled advocates of human rights.

In contrast, whenever the battered, beleaguered, and brutalized defenders of their devastated homeland retaliate with a missile at Riyadh, Jeddah or Abu Dhabi, all pandemonium breaks loose, as if the Ansarallah Movement had committed a grave crime.

At the same time, accusation fingers fly in specified directions, especially at the Islamic Republic of Iran – without a shred of evidence – of providing missile technology to the totally besieged people of Yemen.

How could Iran or any other country provide weapons, when all routes are blocked to Yemen, and even relief aid, including medicines cannot be rushed to a nation in the grips of famine and epidemic?

Are we living in a mad and bizarre world, or are rogues ruling the roost at the World Body?

Kayhan said: If the UN was a truly representative organization of world nations, super terrorist US would have been kicked out of its corridors long ago.

The fact is, it isn’t. As a result the free world, particularly the independent countries and popular anti-terrorist movements refusing to bow to Washington’s rascality, become the target of all sorts of verbal attacks and are threatened with Security Council resolutions, while there is no blame on those wantonly killing more and more people with the most lethal weapons supplied by the Americans.

According to data released by independent committees abroad monitoring the horrific war in Yemen, there have been more than 16,000 Saudi airstrikes since 21 March 2015, with absolutely devastating effect on civilians, but there is no talk at the UN against the barbarity of Riyadh or the weapon supply by Washington, let alone resolutions condemning their crimes against humanity.

This diabolical attitude bears a striking similarity to the blind eye tuned toward Saudi Arabia when its Takfiri hordes were destroying the cradles of civilization in Syria and Iraq, but the moment the legal governments of the two countries, along with popular mobilization forces, and with the timely help provided by the Islamic Republic on request, weeded out the macabre terrorists, the hypocrites calling the shots at the power centres in the West, began to rail against Iran and Lebanon’s legendry anti-terrorist movement, the Hezbollah.

It is indeed the height of hypocrisy, said Kayhan International, pointing out that when the US envoy at the UN, Nimrata Randhawa, who currently goes by the name of Nikki Haley, resorts to theatrics with some fragments of a supposed missile by her side, and tries to stir up emotions among the naïve and unsuspecting, of the magnitude of destruction such a missile would have inflicted on say, New York or any big American city.

She says the damage and death toll would have been catastrophic if the missile had reached its target.

Double standards indeed, when the fact of the matter is that Saudi bombardment has destroyed the cities of Sana’a, Taez, Hodeida and Saada, taking a heavy toll of civilians.

Aren’t there any human beings in the bombed Yemeni cities? It seems that as per Haley’s knowledge the people of Yemen are sheep to be slaughtered and Riyadh is doing the right thing in massacring them.

Kayhan International calling said: “What an immorally shameless woman! In her unexplained animosity towards Iran and the freedom-loving movements in the Muslim world, she sullies her Punjabi Indian background by uttering the most preposterous lies in a bid to please her master in the White House, unconcerned about the organized massacre of the innocents in Yemen and the sufferings of the millions of hungry mouths in that war ravaged country, whose defenders, it seems, have no right to use weapons in defence and retaliate against the destroyers of their homeland.

The daily noted that on December 19, to mark the thousandth day of the unwanted war, the Yemeni defenders who possess a well-stocked arsenal of ballistic missiles, accumulated by the recently killed former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, from both the eastern and western powers during the 34 years he was at the helm of affairs, fired one at the Yamama Palace in Riyadh – as a sequel to the November 4 missile that penetrated through US patriot defences to strike military installations at Riyadh International Airport.

We have no information still whether Tuesday’s missile landed on or near the said palace where the Saudi cabinet was to discuss and announce the coming fiscal year’s budget.

There is news blackout of possible casualties, except for scanty reports of a thundering noise and thick smoke, allegedly due to its interception in midair by several patriot missiles – as claimed earlier in the November 4 missile attack, which was later admitted to be a perfect hit penetrating the expensive American supplied Saudi defences.

Whatever the consequences, the patience of the Yemenis is running thin in the face of unabated bombardment and the rapidly deteriorating situation of the hungry and displaced masses.

With the UN and the big powers reluctant to end Saudi Arabia’s crimes, there seems no other choice for the Yemenis but to target the nerve centres of Riyadh and its accomplices, as they have warned, so that war and devastation do not drag on past the third year.

