Yemen Nears Date with Destiny, as Martyrs’ Blood Revitalizes Defenders
(last modified Tue, 01 May 2018 10:27:19 GMT )
May 01, 2018 10:27 UTC

The situation in Yemen has become alarming because of the US-backed state terrorism of Saudi Arabia, which neither has any regard for Islam nor humanitarian values as is evident by its growing spate of crimes against fellow Muslims and Arabs.

The following is a Viewpoint that appeared on Monday, April 30 in Iran’s English language newspaper Kayhan International titled: “Yemen Nears Date with Destiny, as Martyrs’ Blood Revitalizes Defenders.”

Columnist S. Nawabzadeh wrote in the Viewpoint Column of Kayhan International:

“Saturday’s sight of hundreds of thousands of defiant Yemenis filling the streets of Sanaa to bid farewell to Martyr President Saleh Ali as-Sammad of the Supreme Political Council, amidst vociferous chants of God’s Majesty (Allah-o Akbar), coupled with slogans of “Death to the Saudis”, “Death to the US”, and “Death to Israel”, could be considered a sign of the stormy days ahead for the murderous American-backed regime in Riyadh, whose unprovoked war has claimed the lives of some 20,000 men, women, and children, in addition to injuring scores of thousands more, displacing millions, destroying the infrastructure and causing famine and disease to engulf the Arab World’s poorest country.

“The huge gathering was yet another proof of the popularity of the Ansarallah Movement amongst Yemenis of different tribes, schools of jurisprudence, and political leanings.

“It was a fitting tribute to as-Sammad, who it is said had longed for martyrdom, and whose attainment of this ethereal goal while defending the strategic port city of Hodeidah against the coalition of cowards assembled by Saudi Arabia, is expected to infuse fresh spirit into Yemen’s dauntless defenders.

“The massive funeral rally was indicative of the realities in Yemen where traitors like the recently killed Ali Abdullah Saleh – the former long term self-imposed president of first the North and then United Yemen – have no mourners, and where the future rests with the resolute revolutionaries refusing to yield to the rogues in Riyadh.”

Kayhan International noted: “The Saudis were scared of as-Sammad, who earlier this month had hailed 2018 as “the year of ballistic excellence”, vowing to fire at least one missile a day at the military, industrial and other strategic centres of the Wahhabi regime in retaliation for its unmanly air bombardment of mosques, markets, madrasahs, and marriage ceremonies. 

“Though MBS (Heir Apparent Mohamed bin Salman) might be dancing with joy at the moment on news of the killing of as-Sammad, his exultation and that of his masters in the US and Israel, is bound to be short-lived in view of the indomitable nature of the Yemenis, especially since their topmost leader has vowed vengeance.

“Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi minced no words when he stated in his televised address that “the forces of aggression, led by the US and Saudi Arabia, bear the legal responsibility for this crime and all its consequences.”

“Media horns of reactionary Arab regimes, in tandem with the Zionist controlled western media which in March 2015 had predicted the Saudi adventure in Yemen as a cake-walk lasting at most a couple of weeks, are aghast, as the war has entered its 4th year with no signs of success, and now prospects of a perennial barrage of patriot-piercing ballistic missiles that may eventually cause doomsday scenarios in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Dhahran and other places.

“They have tried to lay the blame at Iran’s door and resorted to every theatric with fragmentary pieces of metals, without any explanation of how missiles could be shipped from the Islamic Republic to besieged Yemen, whose air, sea and land borders are under tight control of the Saudis, the Emiratis, the Americans, and the Egyptians.”

Kayhan International further pointed out: “In the words of a senior official of the Ansarallah, whose possession of a large stockpile of surface-to-surface trajectories accumulated over the decades by the former government of Yemen and whose expertise in ballistic missile technology have been acknowledged by American and European defence analysts: If Iran had helped us, we could have taken Riyadh long ago – to end the illegal existence of the spurious entity called Saudi Arabia, which Britain created in 1932 for the desert brigand of Najd, Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud.

“In the coming days, weeks, and months, there may be many more deaths and many more horrific scenes on either side of the forged border (remember Najran, Jizan and Asir are historically and geographically integral parts of Yemen which the Saudis seized in 1934 with British help).

“One thing, however, is sure. The sacred blood of the martyrs of Islam will triumph over the weapons of aggressors, no matter what lethal arms the US, Britain, France and Israel, pour into Saudi Arabia to fleece it of its ill-accumulated petro-dollars.

“The Yemenis have a date with destiny. If Hadith found in authoritative Sunni books like “Sahih Bukhari” narrate the Prophet’s denunciation of Najd (the Saudi homeland), as the abode of the accursed Satan, they also predict the rise in the end times of the righteous Yamani, who along with Khorasani, will pave the way for establishment of the global government of peace, prosperity and justice of the Awaited Saviour of mankind, Imam Mahdi (AS), the 12th and Last Infallible Heir of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).





