How Long Will Spurious Saudi Arabia Survive?
(last modified Sun, 30 Sep 2018 03:08:56 GMT )
Sep 30, 2018 03:08 UTC

Saudi Arabia is celebrating with much fanfare what it calls its national day in order to mislead the gullible Muslims abroad, while internally it is intensely hated by the overwhelming majority of people who question the legitimacy of the Aal-e Saud clan.

Here is a Viewpoint Column that appeared in Iran’s English language daily Kayhan International in this regard on Monday September 24. Written by S. Nawabzadeh, the title is: “How Long Will Spurious Saudi Arabia Survive?”

Columnist Nawabzadeh pointed out: “At a time when it is starving to death millions of Muslims of Yemen by its three-and-a-half years of blockade of that country’s land and marine borders, as well as airspace, in addition to having killed over 20,000 Yemeni men, women and children so far, the repressive Wahhabi minority regime of Riyadh is celebrating with a two-day holiday what it calls its 86th ‘national day’.

“It is mind-boggling how a spurious entity can call itself a nation when the fact of the matter is that Saudi Arabia, which Britain created for the desert brigand of Najd, Abdul-Aziz Aal-e Saud, is not a geographical area, neither is it a historical piece of territory, nor is it a culturally cohesive land with people sharing the same set of beliefs, traditions, or a common heritage – let alone political objectives. 

“Over the past two days, millions – if not billions – of dollars of the looted oil wealth of the deprived people of the Eastern Region, who since the First World War are groaning under the boots of the Najdi occupiers – the 50-year lease long lapsed – have been squandered on fake festivities by the godfather of takfiri terrorism who shamelessly styles himself as ‘Custodian of the Two Holy Shrines’.

“Whom does the ruler and the regime think they are deceiving when most of the world knows that in 1925 with British help Abdul-Aziz, who was of Jewish origin, had seized the Land of Revelation, Hijaz, by massacring thousands of Muslims, including pilgrims, taking refuge at the Holy Ka’ba in Mecca and the Holy Shrine of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) in Medina!

“He then went on to desecrate and destroy the Sacred Cemeteries of Jannat al-Mo’alla in Mecca and Jannat al-Baqi in Medina – where the monotheist forbears and the blessed offspring of the Prophet repose in peace.”

The Kayhan International Columnist took note: “Abdul-Aziz continued to unleash rivers of Muslim blood as his hordes swept across the then mostly Shi’a Muslim resort of Ta’ef and the Red Sea port of Jeddah. In 1934, again with British help, he occupied the northern Yemeni provinces of Najran, Asir, and Jizan.

“History also bears testimony that London bestowed the fiefdom opon Abdul-Aziz and named it Saudi Arabia in 1932, only after he gave a written pledge for implementation of the infamous Balfour Declaration for setting up of a Jewish entity in Palestine – created 16 years later in 1948 for the illegal Zionist migrants of Eastern Europe.

“In 1953 Abdul-Aziz died, and since then his sons (so far 7) have ruled as the unelected and unrepresentative rulers of a country that lacks acute legitimacy as a nation.

“As a result Saudi Arabia has always been jittery and apprehensive of the imminent collapse of the unnatural and rootless entity.

“The 1950s and 1960s were scary for the Saudi clan during the heyday of Jamal Abdun-Nasser’s nationalism and the regular fall of Arab monarchies. The 1970s brought unaccounted wealth and with it luxuries and lavish spending on pleasures because of the astronomical oil price rise, which ironically benefitted the West, especially Washington, as tens of billions of petro-dollars flowed back into US banks.

“In 2011 the wave of Islamic Awakening and the collapse of the pro-western regimes in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, again threatened the survival of Saudi Arabia and the crafty regime in Riyadh, while pretending to support President Mohammad Morsi, stabbed him in the back by overthrowing the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen government through General Abdul-Fattah as-Sisi’s military coup.

“No empire or dynasty has ever survived, let alone spurious entities. This means the end is nigh on the horizon for both the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and their Zionist cousins in Israel, no matter what crimes against humanity they continue to commit – including involvement in the recent terrorist attack in the southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz last Saturday.”

