Nigerians call on Buhari to release Sheikh Zakzaky
(last modified Sat, 30 Dec 2017 12:46:09 GMT )
Dec 30, 2017 12:46 UTC

The people of Nigeria are intensifying efforts to force the government of President Muhmadu Buhari to release the Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky. Here is a report in this regard by Abdul-Mumin Giwa.

The issue of the clampdown on the Islamic Movement in Nigeria by the Buhari regime is a plot beyond the borders of Nigeria with its real architects in US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. It is based on a simple plot of undermining the influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran and ensuring that its ideologies do not go beyond its borders.

US provides the arms and political initiatives, Israel provides the training and Saudi Arabia provides the funding. With or without any dram of road blockage we were due to be attacked by the regime, our leader Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky be killed, we the followers dispersed and the Movement be proscribed.

The same plot was hatched in places like Saudi Arabia where Sheikh Nimr an-Nimr was murdered by the Saudi regime, the clampdown on Yemen and that of the IMN in Nigeria.

The Case in Nigeria is the worse as it is taking place in the largest black nation in the world and on the African continent, the control of which the imperialists fear losing to Iran. The CIA had since 2005-6 declared the IMN leader as a threat to their interest and compelled its Embassy in Nigeria to pressure the Nigerian government to proscribe the movement, disperse the members and kill the leader. This was revealed by Chidi Okpar website.

Several attacks have taken place in a covert manner but unsuccessful and these even include assassination attempts on the leader. One of the major attempt was that of July 2014 where 34 unarmed IMN members were murdered by the Nigerian Army in Zaria after a peaceful pro-Palestinian protest.

It didn’t go down well with the perpetrators because due to political heat the whole plot was messed as politicians and high ranking people condemned the killing and condoled the IMN leader.

They were quick to realize that using a Nigerian leader from the southern geo-political region and also a non-Muslim will not give the required result. That was why they opted for a northerner and a Muslim for which they used Buhari.

They thought of a better result because with the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the plot they were sure of a massive support from the majority Sunni population in who false and lies about Shia has been induced and they have been brainwashed.

The plot was executed but unfortunately for them the revered leader of the IMN was not killed despite all attempts to and that was why he was shot in the eye with the intention of blowing off his brains.

The entire plot failed even with the media blockade it got and the congratulation to Nigerian government by the Saudi regime for killing what they called terrorists. The entire massacre did not get media coverage in the main stream media across the globe as though those killed were not humans.

The entire plot was not as successful as planned and now in a way the Nigerian regime is left to manage it and is using all sorts of plots to do that as well.

When the Kaduna state government established the Judicial Commission of Inquiry JCI to produce a report on the Zaria massacre of IMN members by soldiers, one Nafi’u Baba-Ahmed of the Sharia Council, in his presentation before the JCI stated that Islamic Movement in Nigeria, as we are known, is a very good name that we are not worth. We shouldn’t be the ones bearing that name.

It is a name that depicts Islam and Muslims in entirety and we should not be the flag bearers of that name and must not be allowed to. It will give us sympathy and support which we don’t deserve. Hence for us to be referred to as the Islamic Movement in Nigeria is a big mistake.

I could remember what the IMN leader told us during a gathering that we are the Islamic Movement in Nigeria and not Islamic Movement of Nigeria. This is because the Movement could be in any part of the world as it is a global affair. Meaning it could be Islamic Movement in Ghana, or in London or anywhere else. Against this backdrop the acronym IMN was founded and that is how we have been known for years even in our past correspondences prior to the massacre.

Yes we are members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) as explained to us by the revered leader Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky and so shall we remain.

We are also aware that the DSS is working so hard to induce internal crises in the Movement in order to justify its mischief against it. Hence, what is now our concern is the continued and persistent exposure of the crimes committed by the Buhari regime that murdered over 1000 members of the Movement in Zaria and not a debate on what we are addressed as.

Call us what you like but we are what we are and will continue to remain what we are. There is no amount of pressure that will take us away from exposing the inhumanity, human rights abuse and excessive crimes against humanity committed by the Buhari regime.

We will never waste our time in unnecessary and irrelevant arguments about what we are addressed as which is the wish of the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity that butchered thousands of innocent unarmed women and children. We know the perpetrators want to blackmail us and give us a bad name in order to justify their dastardly act of extra-judicial killings.

The perpetrators of this act of genocide have done and are still doing all efforts to derail us from the campaigns for the release of our leader through the introduction of various gimmicks that even include lies and intimidation.

They have unnecessarily attacked us and killed us during peaceful religious gatherings in order to intimidate us into violence. They have used this method unsuccessfully.

During the fundamental rights case we won before the Federal High Court Abuja they concocted blatant lies that were insulting to the personality and integrity of the IMN leader who they claimed has ordered that DSS be removed from the list of those sued at the High Court because they are taking good care of him. It was most insulting especially when they came out with a group photo showing the leader among some visitors and in front of him were food and refreshments. They also didn’t succeed here too as the case continued and was won and the DSS was ordered to release the IMN leader to the police.

They have also attempted hijacking the case and handing it over to their lawyers because they were afraid of the legal team led by human rights activist Femi Falana SAN. There too they used the name of the IMN leader that he was the one that gave the instruction. We escaped that plot also and the case was successfully won under the Falana’s team.

The same mischief makers wanted to push the IMN into chaos by introducing other ideas to instigate members into violence saying that they should carry arms. They go about propagating ideas that are alien to the Movement in order to cause chaos. They have also not succeeded in all these.

It was also a plot by the perpetrators to render the IMN voiceless or make it chaotic to the extent that its opinion and the sources from which they come remain in diversity and not unique. This to them will reduce the pressure on them and will also give them opportunity to induce their own opinions in the name of the IMN and also make the world see the Movement a bunch of miscreants that lack focus.

It is for this reason that they declared the President of the Media Forum MFIMN Malam Ibrahim Musa and signatory to all the press statements and official correspondences on behalf of the Movement wanted. They wanted to render the IMN voiceless and promising to pay 500,000 Nigerian pounds by Nasiru El-Rufai to anyone who leads to his successful arrest. This too became a failure as all the usual campaign activities for the release of the IMN leader were still sustained.

No positive-minded and enlightened person will read the Compendium made into a book form containing all the correspondences between the IMN and the Nigerian government and others mostly signed by the MFIMN President Malam Ibrahim will open his mouth and utter trash that the IMN has no spokesman. It will be indeed very stupid.

It will tantamount to gross ignorance about the modus operandi of news writing and reporting by newsmen who call anybody that speaks on behalf of others their spokesperson. To the movement he is heading the Media Forum established by the leader and when he speaks to the media they say the spokesperson and this is the professional language.

As the IMN remains focused and resolute and has attained recognition and sympathy across the globe which has affected the Buhari regime and its performance, they are now concentrating on generating internal crises in the Movement. Their intention is to disperse the IMN members and engage them in violent and unnecessary contest amongst themselves such that they do away with all responses against them.

The IMN has successfully made the bad human rights records of the regime clear to the world such that reputable human rights organizations have presented the regime in their reports as having bad human rights records. This has become so serious that the US senate is condemning arms sales to Nigerian regime sighting Zaria massacre as an example.

These activities of the IMN have forced the Nigerian regime to institute an investigation into the blatant abuse of rights by the army where they indirectly refused to allow IMN leader to speak before the panel so that they could be able to produce a report that will be soft on the army and on them as well.

Their inability to find a way out is even one of the reasons why the Buhari regime has to extend the service periods of the military chiefs in order to avoid what will follow when they lose immunity.

