Jun 24, 2024 06:32 UTC
  • Will Israel be dissolved with attacking Lebanon?

Pars Today- Secretary General of the Lebanese Movement Hezbollah, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, in his recent speech on the occasion of the martyrdom of Taleb Sami Abdallah, field commander of Hezbollah, stressed, "The threat of war against Lebanon does not and shouldn't frighten us as the enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the toughest days and knows well what is waiting for it."

After the speech of the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, famous British analyst of the Arab world, Abdel Bari Atwan, scrutinized his speech and emphasized the high preparedness of the Lebanese resistance to respond to any stupid act of the Zionist regime. According to Pars Today, Atwan, in an article on daily Raialyoum wrote, "If we want to know the importance of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech, we have to point to three main reactions to this speech:

The first reaction was that of Nikos Christodoulides, Cypriot President, who immediately after the end of Nasrallah's speech, ruled out any hostile act of his country against Lebanon.

Second, the Zionist media, analysts, and Israeli generals unanimously believe that this regime is facing the worst situation in terms of security, military, economy, and psychology and that the drones of Hezbollah are more dangerous than missiles, especially after the successful testing of Hodhod drone which passed through all radars, and air and ground defense systems of the fake Zionist regime and after taking photos and videos returned to its base in southern Lebanon with a "treasury of targets" in northern Occupied Palestine.

The third reaction was the article in the New York Times by Thomas Friedman, a renowned American columnist, who has admitted, "The Israel we knew is gone. Currently, it is facing with the approximately definite likelihood of war in three fronts of Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank, and the great power called Iran which is seeking to dissolve Israel with its military arms in the region."

He, in this article, has warned that the Israeli Premier, Benjamin Netanyahu's, cabinet will bring the US into a war in West Asia whose outcome is to the benefit of China and Russia.

Abdel Bari Atwan, said that it is the first time that Nasrallah has threatened Cyprus with a direct attack and targeting of its airports and infrastructures, and reiterated, "The reason for threatening Cyprus, is the exact information which the monitors of resistance have gathered implying the war-game that was held in last April in the mountainous regions of Cyprus resembling the climate of south Lebanon. They have also achieved information indicating a secret agreement between Israel and Cyprus to open its airports to Israeli fighters and passenger planes in case of the destruction of Israeli airports by Hezbollah's missile attacks.

According to this Arab-British analyst, the generals of the Zionist regime have monitored Hezbollah's missile power for the past ten years, but Hodhod drone and its infiltration deep into the north of the Occupied Palestine has drawn their attention to a horrible reality called drone of Hezbollah and its new generation which enjoys an unprecedented speed and flies at very low heights which cannot be detected by radars. Moreover, it has a highly explosive warhead and high-quality monitoring and imaging cameras.

Atwan, pointing to the fact that the stance of resistance in southern Lebanon is stronger than ever in terms of morale and arms, added, "The evidence for this claim is the US envoy to Lebanon, Amos Hochstein's, leaving Beirut with no achievement and also the coherent stance of the Lebanese people and groups against the dictates of the US.

This famous analyst then pointed to the threat of the Zionist regime war minister, Yoav Gallant against Hezbollah, and wrote, "We have heard a lot of these threats. If Gallant can put these threats into action, tell him to do, then, or keep silent. We are sure that Tel Aviv will be erased from the map before shooting the first missile towards Dahieh of Beirut."

Key phrases: Who is Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah? Israel and Lebanon, Lebanese Hezbollah, resistance front, Gaza war  


