Nov 17, 2021 16:36 UTC
  • Iran, IAEA continue interaction despite standing differences on technical issues: Iranian envoy

Iran’s representative to the international organizations in Vienna says the country’s interaction with the UN nuclear watchdog will continue despite differences on technical issues.

“Despite our [standing] technical differences with the [International Atomic Energy] Agency (IAEA), interaction between the two sides continue in this area with the aim of final resolution of the issues,” Mohammad Reza Ghaebi said on Wednesday.

He, therefore, urged IAEA member states against issuing “hasty or politically-motivated” remarks concerning the status of cooperation between the Islamic Republic and the nuclear agency.

Ghaebi cited the agency’s recent quarterly report, in which it has affirmed conducting its routine regulatory checks of Iran’s nuclear energy program.

The report cites only one instance of difference arising from Iran’s inability to allow the agency access to one location owing to underway legal and security investigation into a “terrorist action” targeting the facility, he said.

Iran has asked the agency to help it complete the investigations, the official reminded.

He also noted that the IAEA in purity, beyond the level enshrined report has verified Iran’s enrichment of uranium up to 60 percent in the country’s 2015 nuclear deal with world countries, noting that Iran has already notified the agency of the move.

According to Ghaebi, IAEA’s Director General Rafael Grossi has accepted an invite by the Islamic Republic to visit the country for high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, next week.


