Nov 26, 2021 18:19 UTC
  • Iran resolute on keeping constructive cooperation with IAEA based on Safeguards Agreement: Envoy

A senior Iranian diplomat with the country’s permanent mission to international organizations in Vienna has reiterated Iran's full commitment to the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA), saying Tehran is resolute on continuing constructive cooperation with the UN nuclear agency in line with its commitments under the CSA.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to its commitments under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the [International Atomic Energy] Agency and has made its utmost efforts in this regard to remove the IAEA's technical concerns," Mohammad Reza Ghaebi, who serves as the acting head of Iran’s mission in the Austrian capital and Tehran’s charge d’affaires there, said on Friday.

He added that there is no safeguard issue about Iran's current nuclear activities as it has always been verified in various IAEA reports in the past.

"Iran has also voluntarily continued its various practical and constructive interactions with the IAEA and has cooperated closely with the IAEA to address issues related to a number of unimportant issues. Unfortunately, Iran's positive and constructive approach has not been responded to properly by the IAEA, which could impede future interactions between the two sides," the Iranian diplomat said.

He emphasized that Iran has never decreased its interactions with the IAEA under the CSA and noted that observing the principles of independence, impartiality and professionalism would play a very important role in serving the interests of Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog alike.

Ghaebi urged all IAEA member states to heed the agency's long-term interests and avoid any political interference.

Those who left JCPOA have no right to comment on Karaj facility: Iran’s top nuclear official

Meanwhile, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami said on Friday that those who left or failed to fulfill their obligations under the historic 2015 nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), have no right to make any comment about the TESA Karaj Complex, a centrifuge component manufacturing workshop in north-central Iran.

"Karaj facility is an issue related to the JCPOA and those who did not adhere to their commitments and withdrew from the deal have no right to comment on the facility. Therefore, this is something that the Islamic Republic will never accept," Eslami said.

The AEOI chief made the remarks while speaking to reporters after some media outlets claimed that IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi has failed to reach a deal with Iran over renewed access to key nuclear sites after talks in Tehran on Tuesday.

He said Iran holds "transparent" negotiations with the IAEA based on the Safeguards Agreements and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and would continue talks with the agency.

He noted that the recent negotiations during Grossi's trip to Tehran did not fail but some issues required more time to be finalized.

