Dec 12, 2021 15:11 UTC
  • 'Optimistic' about agreement in 'very serious' Vienna talks: Baqeri-Kani

Iran’s lead negotiator in Vienna talks on the removal of sanctions imposed on Tehran says the general atmosphere in the ongoing negotiations in the Austrian capital is very serious, adding that he is optimistic that a final agreement would be reached.

“The atmosphere in negotiations is very serious and this atmosphere has governed the talks since we arrived here ... but at the same time, there is mutual respect and the overall view is that both sides want to clinch an agreement,” Ali Baqeri-Kani said in an interview with IRIB on Sunday.

He added that Iran and the five remaining signatories to the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), are holding talks on a host of issues during the seventh round of the Vienna negotiations, and have reached agreements on some of them, though a comprehensive agreement has not yet reached on many issues.

"For example, when it comes to Iran's nuclear activities, an agreement has been forged between the two sides on some of [outstanding] issues, but there are other issues in this area...which still remain to be agreed upon and negotiations on those issues will continue," said Baqeri-Kani, who also serves as deputy foreign minister for political affairs.

Asked whether the negotiating sides would reach a deal, he said, "There are two sides to any negotiation and agreement, and certain conditions should exist on both sides for talks to progress ... and end in a result and an agreement."

Iran's lead negotiator added that the opposite side's views, priorities, negotiating approach, seriousness and readiness to reach an agreement also determine whether the negotiations would succeed and whether the negotiating sides would reach an agreement more quickly or not.

"I am optimistic about reaching an agreement, but given the unpleasant memory that our people have of the opposite side, we will certainly not take anything easy," Baqeri-Kani emphasized.

Russia: Outstanding issues being addressed properly in Vienna talks

Meanwhile, the Russian ambassador to international organizations in Vienna, said in a Sunday tweet that the Vienna talks are underway and several meetings will be held later today.

Mikhail Ulyanov added that during new talks, “numerous outstanding issues still remain on the agenda,” adding, however, that those issues are being “addressed properly in accordance with norms and rules of multilateral diplomacy.”

He noted in a later tweet that the initial agreement among participants in Vienna talks was actually reached before their very start.

Ulyanov also noted that it was still too early to talk about the eventuality of the seventh round of Vienna talks.

He had already rejected claims by “some analysts and journalists” that the Vienna talks had hit a deadlock.

“To my surprise some analysts and journalists describe the situation at the #ViennaTalks as dramatic, 'almost deadlock'. This is not the case in point.”

He added, “After the break, the negotiators returned to normal diplomatic business and maintain intensive dialogue. Atmosphere is positive.”


