Hajj 2022: Iranian pilgrims slam normalization deals with ‘criminal Zionist regime’
(last modified Fri, 08 Jul 2022 14:48:32 GMT )
Jul 08, 2022 14:48 UTC
  • Hajj 2022: Iranian pilgrims slam normalization deals with ‘criminal Zionist regime’

Iranian pilgrims gathered at Iran’s central tent at Mount Arafat to voice their unwavering support for Palestine, reminding Muslims of the political aspects of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Known as the politico-religious ritual of disavowal of disbelievers (bar’aat min-al-mushrikeen), the ceremony is annually held by Iran on the 9th day of the lunar Hijri month of Dhul Hajja.

“The liberation of holy Quds, the first Qiblah of Muslims, from the hands of the child-killing Zionist regime is the irreplaceable cause and priority of the Muslim world,” said a part of the statement, which was issued and read at the end of the ceremony on Friday.

Voicing strong support for the “resistant nation of Palestine,” the statement condemned any form of normalization with the “criminal Zionist regime.”

Hajj pilgrims warned of the distortion of Islamic concepts, the establishment of extremist groups that falsely introduce themselves as Muslims, and the intervention and occupation of Islamic countries by arrogant powers that aim to eliminate the deep cultural and spiritual effects of Islam.

Elsewhere in their statement, the pilgrims reproached the US and the Israeli regime for trying to sow discord among Muslims, stressing the need for Muslim unity by adhering to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the aspirations of Prophet Muhammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny).

Rooted in Quranic verses, the ceremony is held every year by the Delegation Office of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in Mecca.

Hujjat al-Islam Abdolfattah Navvab, who serves as the representative of the Leader on Hajj issues, and Head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Seyyed Sadeq Hosseini were among top Iranian officials attending the event.

In a speech in July 2018, Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei noted that “true Hajj” should include this ceremony. “The true Hajj should include the Baraat min-al-Mushrikeen and pave the way for enhanced unity among Muslims,” he said in a meeting with Iranian Hajj officials.

More than 39,000 Iranian pilgrims have taken part in this year’s Hajj which is the biggest after the pandemic with one million pilgrims in attendance.


