Iran raps West's double-standard policies on anti-terror fight
(last modified Mon, 08 Aug 2016 16:36:05 GMT )
Aug 08, 2016 16:36 UTC
  • Iran raps West's double-standard policies on anti-terror fight

Judiciary chief, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani, says the West is pursuing double-standard and contradictory policies in the fight against terrorism.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran will make no compromises in the fight against terrorism and will never sacrifice its important divine, ethical and legal values for some incorrect and untrue statements and reactions by the so-called advocates of human rights,” Amoli Larijani said on Monday.

He added that Iran will always remain committed to its principles but the West and some international organizations, including the UN and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, are pursuing contradictory policies in the campaign against terrorism.

“Unfortunately, some Western and European countries as well as international organizations have shown no fitting reaction to acts of terror by the Daesh [Takfiri terrorist group] in Iraq and Syria and the beheading of people by these terrorists; however, [these countries and bodies] have declared that Iran’s legal move to combat acts of terror was in violation of human rights, and this shows their dual and contradictory attitude vis-à-vis terrorism,” the Iranian Judiciary chief said.

Amoli Larijani added that the spread of terrorist attacks to Europe and the United States was the outcome of double-standard policies in the campaign against terrorism.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran will never allow this country to become a place for terrorist moves with the support of certain reactionary countries in the region and will not allow Western states to interfere in the country’s internal affairs and its national security,” the Iranian Judiciary chief pointed out.

Amoli Larijani was referring to reactions shown to the recent hanging of a number of members of the so-called Tawhid and Jihad Takfiri terrorist group in the western Iranian province of Kordestan.

In a statement on Wednesday, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said it had identified 102 members or supporters of the so-called Tawhid and Jihad Takfiri terrorist group in the western province.

Amoli Larijani further pointed to recent remarks by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei regarding last year’s nuclear agreement reached between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries and the achievements it has brought about for the Islamic Republic.

“Unfortunately, contrary to what they have committed to do on paper and their removal of sanctions, they are creating obstacles in practice and behind the scenes and their lack of commitment is very clear in this regard,” he said.

The Judiciary chief said, “The Americans sought to tie the JCPOA to other issues and topics, but they have been disappointed in this area and now seek to create problems and obstacles in the way of the implementation of the JCPOA.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said on August 1 that Iran’s experience in striking a nuclear agreement with the P5+1 group of countries, including the United States, was a clear example of the enemies’ untrustworthiness.

“Today, even the diplomatic officials and those who were present in the [nuclear] negotiations reiterate the fact that the US is breaching its promises, and while speaking softly and sweetly [to Iran], is busy obstructing and damaging Iran’s economic relations with other countries,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

