May 23, 2024 14:18 UTC
  • Imam Khamenei: Tunisian nation enjoys high potential for progress and forward movement

Pars Today- The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei held a meeting with the visiting Tunisian President Qais Saeed and welcomed the renewal of relations between Iran and Tunisia, facilitated by Saeed’s visit to Iran.

Imam Khamenei in the meeting with the Tunisian president and the accompanying delegation on Wednesday afternoon, appreciating the brotherly and sincere emotions of Mr. Qais Saeed for the recent incident in Iran, said, "The incident of losing the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a number of the officials and their companions is sorrowful, but we have always witnessed throughout the era of the Islamic Republic that, according to the divine wisdom and with people's patience and steadfastness, bitter events have turned to the source of progresses and movements."

The Leader also expressed happiness at the formation of a new opening in the relations between Iran and Tunisia due to the trip of this country's president, and added, "The presence of a scholarly and academic figure like Mr. Qais Saeed at the helms of Tunisia is an opportunity so that this country demonstrates a new and good image of itself after years of despotic rule and severance of ties with the Islamic world."

Imam Khamenei, referring to the move of the Tunisian people some years ago, which set the ground for a great move in North Africa, reiterated, "The Tunisian nation enjoys high potential for progress and forward movement and I hope that, with the prudence of Mr. Qais Saeed, the unity needed among different inclinations in Tunisia will be shaped and the ground for progress will be provided."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, pointing to the anti-Zionist stances of The Tunisian president, stressed, "Such stances should expand in the Arab world because, unfortunately, such issues are not heeded in the Arab world and we believe that the only way of success is steadfastness and perseverance."

Imam Khamenei referred to the good capacities of Iran and Tunisia for expansion of ties and stated, "Our late president's government was the government of work, movement, and relation, and now Mr. Mokhber, too, will continue the same course for expansion of relations with the complete authorities that he has."

He expressed hope that the current like-mindedness and consonance between the two countries will turn into cooperation.

Qais Saeed, for his part, offered the heartfelt condolences of the Tunisian government and nation on the recent incident in Iran, and said, "Our last meeting with the late Iranian president was a while ago in Algeria where we agreed on my coming to Tehran, but I never thought that I would come to Tehran to express condolences."

The Tunisian president, then, referred to the joint will of the two countries to broaden relations in every field and expressed hope that pursuing of agreements would materialize practical expansion of cooperation.

Qais Saeed also pointed to the regional conditions and carnage of the people of Gaza by the Zionist regime, and stressed, "The Islamic world must come out of the present passive stance and, through a single voice, seek the fulfillment of the Palestinian people's rights in the entire Palestinian territories and formation of the independent government with holy Quds as the capital."

He reiterated, "Today, the human community in the world has gone ahead of the international community and in different countries, the human community has consonantly come to the field against oppression and crime in Gaza."


Key phrases: Who is Imam Khamenei? Iran and Tunisia, who is Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi? helicopter incident in Iran, Iran, and Israel, who is the Tunisian president?    
