Imam Khamenei's response to why dominating system wages war against Islamic Revolution/ Resistance will certainly be victorious
(last modified 2024-09-26T12:30:33+00:00 )
Sep 26, 2024 12:30 UTC
  • Imam Khamenei's response to why dominating system wages war against Islamic Revolution/ Resistance will certainly be victorious

Pars Today - The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, in a meeting with thousands of veterans and activists of the Sacred Defense and Resistance on Wednesday morning, explained the reasons behind the imposed war by the Ba'athist regime of Iraq against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Leader emphasized that his words are addressed to everyone, especially the younger generation, and explained the reason for the war against the Iranian people in 1979:"The motivation for attacking Iran's borders was not limited to Saddam and the Ba'ath Party, but the leaders of the global order at the time, namely the United States and the Soviet Union, and their followers, also had strong motivations for aggression."

In this article by Pars Today, we will review the Leader's enlightening points about the reasons for the great powers' hostility towards the Islamic Revolution.
The Islamic Revolution; A clear outcry against the corrupt order ruling the world

The Leader cited the reason for the superpowers’ hostility toward Iran’s unparalleled popular revolution as the unbearable nature of the new ideology and the message of this revolution for them.

Imam Khamenei added:

The reason for their animosity was that the Islamic Revolution was a clear outcry against the false and destructive world order and the system of domination, which divides the world into oppressors and oppressed, and imposes the culture and views of the oppressors on other countries.

Attractiveness of the Islamic Revolution's message to nations

The Leader emphasized that the oppressors could not tolerate the new message of the Islamic Revolution, which was attractive and developable for nations.

"They were waiting for an opportunity to attack Iran, and Saddam, who was an ambitious, greedy, impudent, and ruthless person, provided this opportunity for the powers and, with their encouragement, attacked Iran.”

The Islamic Revolution's opposition to the dominating system

The Leader referred to the statements of some individuals inside the country, saying that the Islamic Republic is at odds with the whole world, and said: "If they mean cutting off political and economic relations with the world, it is clearly not true, because today we are in contact and interaction with countries where half of the world's population lives. But if they mean opposition to the global arrogance, which is led by the United States, it is true, and just as in the early days of the Revolution, we are openly opposed to the system of domination, which today is led by the Western powers, with the United States at the forefront, and we openly declare this opposition."

Refusing to accept the language of force

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized that today, thanks to the resistance and presence of the Iranian people in various fields, there is no courage to attack Iran's borders, and the oppressors are now engaged in another form of mischief and enmity. “It must be deeply understood that the reason for their hostility is not pretexts like nuclear energy, human rights, or women’s rights. Rather, they oppose the new discourse of the Islamic Republic in confronting the corrupt global order. As long as the people and the Islamic system do not accept their demands, this opposition will not end. And, of course, we will not accept their unjust demands.”

The spiritual attraction of the Islamic Revolution

In addition to the political appeal of the Islamic system, which lies in its resistance against the corrupt global system, Imam Khamenei also considered its spiritual appeal—faith in God—as a factor in attracting nations and the youth of various countries, as well as a source of fear for the oppressors.
In this meeting, Imam Khamenei also described the current events in Palestine and Lebanon as being of the same nature as those during the Sacred Defense (Iran-Iraq war) and an example of jihad in the path of God. The Leader said:

“An Islamic country, namely Palestine, has been usurped by the most wicked disbelievers in the world, and the definitive religious ruling is that everyone must strive to return Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque to their rightful owners.

The Leader added:

“Hezbollah in Lebanon, which has shielded itself in defense of Gaza and is exposed to bitter events, is engaged in jihad in the path of God.

The Leader referred to the similarity between this battle and the eight-year imposed war against Iran, saying: "In this battle, the infidel and wicked enemy has the most equipment, and the United States is behind it. The Americans' claim that they are not aware of the Zionists' actions and do not interfere in the matter is a lie."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to the Zionist enemy's access to wealth, weapons, and global propaganda, said:

“The equipment and resources of the faithful and struggling side are far less than those of the enemy, but the victorious side is the one fighting in the path of God, namely the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah.

The Leader considered the reason for the victory of the resistance front to be the criminal actions of the Zionist regime in the widespread killing of innocent people, women, and children, and the bombing of schools and hospitals. "If the Zionist regime had been able to defeat the resistance forces, whether in Gaza, the West Bank, or Lebanon, it would not have needed to commit such crimes to pretend to be victorious."

Key phrases: Who is Ayatollah Khamenei?, Iraqi Ba’thist war against Iran, Islamic Revolution, Israeli crimes, Gaza war, Lebanon

