Resistance leaders vow to stand by al-Quds, blast Israeli barbarity
(last modified Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:23:58 GMT )
Apr 26, 2022 18:23 UTC
  • Resistance leaders vow to stand by al-Quds, blast Israeli barbarity

Muslim leaders, officials, and personalities from across the regional resistance axis and beyond take to the “al-Quds Podium” to denounce the Israeli regime over its sheer escalation of violence against Palestinians in the holy occupied city of al-Quds.

The leaders partook in the multinational event via video conference on Tuesday amid the occupying regime’s ramped-up daily attacks on Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque’s compound in al-Quds’ Old City.

Addressing the event as its first keynote speaker, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, head of the Gaza Strip-based resistance movement of Islamic Jihad, vowed, “We will never retreat and compromise until we achieve victory,” adding that the resistance’s fighters enjoyed presence across the entire Palestinian territories.

“Al-Quds is ours. Al-Quds will never bow down and surrender to aggressors, murderers, and the dregs of history,” he added.

He also hailed the approaching prospect of the International Quds Day, whereby people rally across the world in support of the Palestinian cause of liberation from Israeli aggression and occupation. The occasion, which has been named so by the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, falls on the last Friday of Ramadan every year.

“Iran too stands by Palestine’s liberation with all its might and commitment,” Nakhalah added.

‘Resistance Palestine’s option of choice’

Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Gaza-based resistance movement of Hamas’ Political Bureau, specified the Palestinian nation’s option of choice as resistance, saying the successful Palestinian operations that had taken place throughout the occupied West Bank since the start of Ramadan had proven this.

Therefore, he added, such issues as the occupation and Palestinians’ right to return to their homeland “cannot be resolved at the negotiation table.”

Realizing this, the occupying regime began normalizing its relations with some regional states to “legitimize its existence and its designs for destruction of the Palestinian cause,” Haniyeh said.

Tel Aviv was also trying to use the conflict in Ukraine as a smokescreen for its plans for al-Quds and the al-Aqsa Mosque, Haniyeh noted.

“However, all of the regime’s efforts at harnessing the Palestinian nation have been faced with defeat,” he said, adding, “Our nation does not brook distortion of the al-Aqsa Mosque’s identity and the historical facts that pertain to it.”

'Israeli regime heading for dustbin of history’

Bahrain's most prominent Shia religious scholar Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim said the al-Aqsa Mosque and al-Quds had been afflicted with the most dangerous and savage instance of Zionist animosity, which translates into “the biggest threat to the mosque’s “holiness and divine status.”

However, Israel is a moribund regime, “whose destiny is nothing but the dustbin of history,” he said.

Sheikh Qassim said the entire Muslim community should denounce and stop the trend of compromise with the regime, referring to some regional regimes’ United States-aided normalization with Tel Aviv.

Sheikh Qassim urged that the upcoming International Quds Day be seized upon as an opportunity, whereby “the pain suffered by al-Quds” is broadcast to the whole world.

‘Iraqi resistance ready for Palestine’s liberation’

Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the Fatah (Conquest) Alliance in Iraq's parliament, said, “Palestine’s occupation is an atrocity that should be stopped,” describing al-Quds’ situation as a “deep wound afflicted to the international Muslim Ummah (Nation)’s heart.”

“Iraq’s resistance groups are ready for Palestine’s liberation,” he announced, adding that the Arab country’s nation and religious authorities would stand by al-Quds and the cause of Palestine’s liberation.

Ameri urged the world’s Muslim community to “mobilize all of its might and force” in support of Palestine during the International Quds Day.

‘Defending al-Quds a Muslim duty’

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, leader of the Yemeni popular resistance movement of Ansarullah, called defending al-Quds a Muslim duty.

“The Palestinian nation is part of the Muslim Nation and this nation should not ignore it.”

The Yemeni people, he added, stands steadfast in support of its “obvious stance of purging Palestine” of Zionist presence.

‘Resistance standing on verge of victory’

Secretary-General of the Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah noted the resistance’s “back-to-back” victories against the occupying regime.

“Today, we’re standing on the verge of great and final victory,” he said, declaring that the resistance axis is prepared to make whatever sacrifices that are necessary to realize the prospect.

“Al-Quds is our model and goal,” he said, and urged that the resistance axis be rather called “the al-Quds axis” due to the centrality of the holy city to unity among the axis’ members.

Nasrallah, meanwhile, warned that the global arrogance’s strategy concerning the issue of Palestine rested on “killing time” so the Palestinian and other Muslim nations end up forgetting and despairing of the Palestinian cause.

“However, what is actually taking place is contrary to their desire,” Nasrallah said.


