Sep 01, 2023 06:42 UTC
  • Yemen to give harsh response to slightest mistake by US, British forces: Top official

The head of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council has warned that US and British military forces will receive a crushing response in case of making the slightest mistake against the Arab country, and attempting to plunder its energy reserves and other natural assets.

“We have received information about the deployment of US marines and British troops in occupied province [under control by Saudi-backed Takfiri militants]. We have warned the aggressors that any mistake will draw a strong and crushing response,” Mahdi al-Mashat said as he addressed a group of people in Yemen's northwestern Province of Amran on Wednesday evening.

He said natural resources are a red line for the Sana’a-based National Salvation Government and Yemeni nation. “We will never allow enemies to cast a greedy eye onto them and loot these national and valuable assets.”

“We are in possession of various types of unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles. We are also led by someone [Leader of Ansarullah resistance movement Abdul-Malik al-Houthi], whose fingers are on the trigger,” Mashat said.

He said Yemeni Armed Forces recently test-fired a range of homegrown naval weapons during a military exercise in the Red Sea, and the drill struck fear in the hearts of enemies.

Mashat said Yemeni Naval Forces have warned foreign tankers against approaching the Port of Aden, and occasionally thwarted their attempts to plunder the country’s natural gas.

“Last week, we engaged in a bitter confrontation with two vessels. They were seeking to anchor in the Port of Aden with an intent to loot Yemeni gas. They beat a hasty retreat four times, the last of which happened the previous day,” the senior Yemeni official said.

Mashat underlined that the owners of Sinemar Jin and Bolivar tankers have been warned of dire consequences if their captains opt to moor in the Port of Aden, stating that Yemeni naval units are ready to strike them if they make such a terrible mistake.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Mashat disclosed parts of Washington’s anti-Yemen schemes for the next few years. Americans, he said, are hell-bent on creating miseries for Yemeni people and divesting the nation of their inalienable rights.

He stated that the US embassy in Aden is poised to absorb a number of distinguished Yemeni figures and personalities next year, and hold seminars abroad with their participation.  

The diplomatic mission is going to establish so-called civil society organizations in order to advance such plots, Mashat said.

