Jan 08, 2024 15:11 UTC
  • Israel assassinates Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon

A senior commander of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has been assassinated in an Israeli airstrike on southern Lebanon.

Wissam Hassan al-Tawil was assassinated when the strike hit the vehicle transporting him in the village of Khirbet Selm on Monday.

The commander served with Hezbollah’s elite Radwan ground force. 

Israel has been desperate in its ground invasion of the besieged Gaza Strip since early October. The regime has achieved no objectives in Gaza, massacring more than 23,000 people notwithstanding.

Southern Lebanon has also been tense ever since, with Hezbollah and Israeli forces exchanging fire across the border on a daily basis.

On Monday, another Hezbollah member was also assassinated in an Israeli airstrike on the village of Majdal Selm.

Hezbollah has already warned the regime of the consequences of further escalation in the region.

On Friday, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Israel is concealing the “heavy losses” it has suffered in southern Lebanon since the Lebanese resistance movement’s operations against the occupying regime are “very exhausting.”

The Israeli military has admitted that its strategic air base on Mount Meron was “seriously damaged” in a recent missile strike by Hezbollah.

It was a retaliatory strike by Hezbollah in the wake of Israel’s January 2 assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, the Deputy Leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh.

