Jun 21, 2024 13:08 UTC
  • Warning of Lebanese resistance leader to Israel
    Warning of Lebanese resistance leader to Israel

Pars Today- Secretary General of the Lebanese anti-terrorist movement, Hezbollah, said on Wednesday in response to the Israeli threats against Lebanon, "If the Zionist enemy wants to impose a war on this country, it must wait for the resistance forces on the ground, in the air and the sea."

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, stating that the Lebanese Hezbollah has fought with only a part of its weapons, reiterated, "The entire Occupied Palestine is within the range of the missiles and drones of Hezbollah."

According to Pars Today, secretary general of Hezbollah then pointed to the progress of this movement including in the section of development and achievement of new weapons, added, "Hezbollah possesses very advanced and modern weapons which will unveil them in the field if needed."

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, in this speech, also warned Cypress because of its complicity with Israel, and made it clear, "We warn the Cypriot government that if it opens its airports and bases for Israel to target Lebanon, it will be part of the war. We will continue our solidarity, support and assistance to Gaza and are ready for all possibilities, and nothing will prevent us from fulfilling this duty."

Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah concluded his speech with referring to the US and the British failure to prevent the Yemeni resistance combatants' operation against the ships heading to the Occupied Palestine, and said, "The Americans and the British failed to protect Israeli ships and this is a great defeat for the two important naval fleets in the world."

Key phrases: Who is Seyyed Hassan Nsrallah? Lebanon and Israel, Israeli threats, Yemen and Palestine, US and Britain

