Oct 08, 2024 05:54 UTC
  • Benjamin Netanyahu, Zionist regime prime minister
    Benjamin Netanyahu, Zionist regime prime minister

Pars Today - One of the most important achievements of al-Aqsa Storm was to shatter the myth of invincibility of the Zionist regime as the final body of classic colonialism on planet Earth.

October 7, 2023 was registered as a turning point in the history of anti-colonialist struggles in the world. This day not only was a military operation, but also, it had a deeper significance for the anti-colonialist front. The move begun by the anti-colonialist resistance of Hamas was named as "al-Aqsa Storm". It was more than a mere physical battle. It was rather an incarnation of collective resistance of a nation against a roguish hegemony manifested by the occupation of Zionists. What made this operation different were the fundamental achievements which shook the foundations of the structure of hegemony and creeping colonialism.

Costs for a nation to get rid of colonialism

No anti-colonialist move is free of charge. Palestinians have faced wide genocide and starvation for the past year. Nearly 43 thousand innocent people have been murdered and over 96 thousand others have been injured. Poverty, starvation, destruction of infrastructures were the costs of resistance. But, it shouldn’t be forgotten that these sacrifices are part of the costs a nation should pay to reach freedom and end colonialism. Just as the leaders of resistance have announced several times, this battle was a battle for survival, for preservation of identity and entity of a nation which had been under the occupation and oppression of European migrants for over 75 years.

Irreparable defeat

Operation al-Aqsa Storm was accompanied with deeply strategic successes. Hamas managed to deal great military and intelligence blows to the Zionist regime. Thus, the military identity and awe of the regime was shattered for good. Beyond a temporary military victory, these successes indicated deep rifts and flaws in the Israeli power structure. The regime, relying on the US military machine and its own intelligence apparatuses, had always tried to fix its hegemony over the wretched man of West Asia, but it faced a deep rift with al-Aqsa Storm and the continuous blows dealt by Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, announced correctly that the Zionist regime is no more the regime before October 7 and the blows it has received are not reparable.

Global awakening

As in the international arena, this operation brought the issue of Palestine back to the global attention. While efforts were being made by some world powers and regional regimes to normalize ties with the child-killer regime and cast the issue of Palestine into oblivion, al-Aqsa Storm once more put the issue on the global agenda to the extent that countries, like Algeria and South Africa, took the case of the Zionist regime crimes to the International Criminal Court and the world public opinion from Europe to Americas were mobilized in favor of the anti-colonialist moves of Palestinians.

Deep and fundamental successes

One of the most important achievements of al-Aqsa Storm was to shatter the myth of invincibility of the Zionist regime as the final body of classic colonialism on planet earth. This great move shattered the awe and pomp of this entity, an entity which used to consider itself as the unchallenged power of the region. Moreover, the published videos showed the psychological and military disintegration of a dangerous regime for the world which claimed racial, military and intelligence superiority for over 75 years.

The last but not least, al-Aqsa Storm not only was a successful military operation, it also proved that anti-colonialist struggles can create fundamental and profound currents even in the worst conditions.


Key phrases: al-Aqsa Storm, Israeli crimes, Gaza war, October 7