Indian farmers continue protests against Modi’s reforms
(last modified Sun, 29 Nov 2020 12:09:24 GMT )
Nov 29, 2020 12:09 UTC
  • Indian farmers continue protests against Modi’s reforms

Thousands of Indian farmers continue with mass protests on the outskirts of New Delhi against the recent agricultural deregulation.

According to media reports, on Sunday, farmers blocked roads into the capital, defying an official request by authorities to move the protest to a different location designated by the government.

The protests started on Friday in the northern states and spread to New Delhi. Police used tear gas, water cannon and baton charges to push them back.

The farmers are opposed to government-proposed agricultural reforms, which were enacted in September. They describe the new legislation as “anti-farm laws” that could be exploited by the private sector to buy their produce at lower prices and eventually run small growers out of business.

On Saturday, the government called on union leaders to calm down the angry farmers, inviting them to take part in negotiations on reforms.

One union leader was quoted by local media as saying that the farmers demand that the proposed legislation be shelved.

He said, however, that the farmers' leaders would meet later on Sunday "to decide their response to the government."

The new legislation proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government allows farmers to sell their produce at free market prices, not just regulated prices that guaranteed a minimum earning for farmers producing staples such as wheat and rice.

The government said there was no intention to eliminate wholesale markets and that farmers were free to choose their buyers.


