Jun 12, 2024 06:26 UTC
  • Senegal\'s PM: Those who claim to be advocates of human rights are complicit in genocide of Palestinians
    Senegal\'s PM: Those who claim to be advocates of human rights are complicit in genocide of Palestinians

Senegal's prime minister condemned Israel's crimes in Gaza and accused major world powers of being partners in the genocide of the Palestinian people.

According to a report by Pars Today, citing the Hawzah News Agency, Ousmane Sonko at a ceremony, where he requested a minute of silence and prayer for the Palestinian martyrs said: "Those who introduce themselves as great democracies and defenders of human rights are today the biggest partners in crime in the genocide of the Palestinian people."

Sonko also called on the President of Senegal to join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against the Zionist regime at the International Court of Justice.

In December 2023, South Africa filed a lawsuit against the Zionist regime, accusing it of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Since then, more than 10 countries have joined or announced their intention to join the lawsuit.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, since the start of the Zionist regime's war against Gaza on October 7, 2023, more than 36,000 Palestinians have been martyred, 83,680 have been wounded, and over 10,000 are still missing or under the rubble.

Key phrases: Gaza war and Israel, Palestinian children, Senegal, support for Palestine, Zionist regime's crimes



