US diplomats draft ‘dissent memo’ to denounce Trump’s ban: Report
(last modified Tue, 31 Jan 2017 12:18:09 GMT )
Jan 31, 2017 12:18 UTC
  • US President Donald Trump
    US President Donald Trump

In a rare move, dozens of American diplomats across the world have drafted a formal “dissent memo” to express their objection to US President Donald Trump’s entry ban against several Muslim countries, according to a report.

The draft, which has been circulating among diplomats and associates abroad over the past few days, denounces the ban as an “un-American” move and warns that it would actually harm efforts to protect the US from terrorists, ABC News reported Monday.

“This ban ... will not achieve its stated aim to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States,” the draft reads.

After signing the executive order on Friday, Trump said his administration was seeking to keep what he called “radical Islamic terrorists” out of the US.

Under the new measure, citizens of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia are banned from entering the US for at least 90 days while Syrian refugees are blocked indefinitely. Other refugee admissions will also be halted for 120 days.

The draft criticizes the Trump administration for “alienating” the governments of the Muslim-majority countries, who view the “knee jerk” directive as an “attack on Islam,” the report added.

Additionally, the memo warns that most terror attacks on US mainland have been carried out by native-born or naturalized US citizens “who have been living in the United States for decades, if not since birth.”

"Given the near absence of terror attacks committed in recent years" by visa holders from these seven nations, “this ban will have little practical effect in improving public safety,” the draft adds.

“Decades from now, we will look back and realize we made the same mistakes,” it concludes.

Trump has come under immense pressure from politicians and rights groups to rescind the ban. Protests have also been held inside and outside the US.

Major Republican figures like Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have also criticized the ban, creating further confusion in Washington.

Unaffected by the attacks, Trump fired the acting attorney general, Sally Yates, after she defied the rule.

