Jun 05, 2024 14:02 UTC
  • Critical state of human rights in US / American human rights a tool for global intervention

Pars Today- According to the data recently released by health research center of Rutgers University, nearly %60 of African Americans (black people) face different kinds of violence and live in low-income regions of the United States.

Researchers stress that this study proves constant suffering of the American black community from a blight. In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the human rights chaos in the country.

Racism has deeply been rooted, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, partisan quarrel persists and migrants are seriously rejected and discriminated.

"The US Human Rights Violations 2023" report has just been released. It has used a big scale of data and clear cases exposing human rights violations in the US.

Take arms violence for instance. According to the data of the "gunviolencearchive" website, during the past year, at least 654 group shootings occurred in the US. Arms violence caused approximately 43 thousand people to lose their lives, that is, averagely 117 per day.

This report underlines that it is only money and political interests which matter for the US politicians and it is hard to shape a unison on arms control which will ultimately force individuals to pay the cost with their lives.

Meanwhile, in comparison with the minority controlling policy, economy and society, most of the American people have increasingly been pushed to the margin, their basic rights and freedoms have been ignored, and the "American human rights" has turned into "American privileges" and become estranged.

The gap between the rich and the poor in the US has reached its worst level since the 1929 Great Depression. The data indicate that, for the third quarter of 2023, %66.6 of the total wealth in the US was in the pockets of %10 with the highest income.

Instead, %50 low-income strata of the society had access to only %2.6 of the total wealth. With more scrutiny, one can say that the reason why the American people have lost their trust is mainly due to the money-oriented policy and partisan quarrels in the country.

American democracy now is becoming absurd on a daily basis and has turned into a game for transferring interests. The American public opinion has mocked at this situation, saying, "You are powerful till you have money because not every citizen votes, but money votes."


Privileges are pursued internally while hegemony is pursued externally

From dispatching of cluster ammunitions and other weapons to Ukraine, supplying gargantuan amounts of military aids to Israel, to longtime unilateral sanctions against Iran, Cuba, Syria and many other nations, the US government has turned human rights into a pretext to interfere in the domestic affairs [of other countries] and a weapon to preserve its hegemony. Thus, it has caused serious human crises and undermined the global human rights ideal.

The people of the world and the US are clearly seeing that the so-called "American Human Rights" is no more than a privilege from which few people benefit, while it is imposed on foreign countries as a tool of brazen hegemony.

The human rights incessantly preached and promoted by the American politicians looks especially comic in the face of such evil actions and the so-called "human rights judge" should be judged more than anyone else.

Key phrases: American human rights, situation of blacks in the US, US police, US politicians, racism in the US       


