Jun 17, 2024 13:36 UTC
  • Call God both in grief and joy/ Status of prayer in life
    Call God both in grief and joy/ Status of prayer in life

Pars Today- According to a researcher, it is in bitter times that human beings realize that it is only God who determines and ordains, and it is then that they take refuge in God. But they are happy and enjoy blessings, they consider beings other than God as determiners. They forget that every part and parcel of creation is in God's control and under His administration and authority.

Speaking with God is not restricted to hard times and sad moments. It is rather for joyful times, too. Prayer and supplication (Dua in Arabic) is very important in Islam and the Qur'an. Regarding the status of prayer and supplication on human psyche and spirit, Mehr news agency has conducted an interview with Dr. Mohammad Abedi, member of the scientific board of the Iranian Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought.  

We have chosen excerpts of this interview:

Human beings have been created in a way that everyone, in the bottlenecks of individual and social life, and even in their solitude, whenever they reach a deadlock, they turn unconsciously to God and appeal to Him. It means that prayer is the common feature in the nature of all mankind. However, this common feeling may not show itself in the external layers of human personality due to the varied worldly belongings and issues. But when an event occurs, and wealth, power, desire, reputation and position fail to do anything to save man, dust fades away and man once more pays attention to God and throws himself in His lap.

The verses of the holy Qur'an exactly remind [men] of the feeling in the 90th minute and draw them towards this that even during the whole 90 minutes, one should manage the game of life and death with the remembrance of God. They should not forget in ordinary routine conditions of life so that they do not rebel against the individual, social, political, economic, cultural and family instructions.

Dr. Mohammad Abedi, member of the scientific board of the Iranian Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought   

It is in bitter times that human beings realize that it is only God who determines and ordains, and it is then that they take refuge in God. But when they are happy and enjoy blessings, they associate partners for God and forget that every equation and management of the universe is in Go's control. According to the verses of the noble Qur'an, God says, "When distress befalls man, he supplicates his Lord, turning to Him penitently. Then, when He grants him a blessing from Himself, he forgets that for which he had supplicated Him before and set up equals for Allah."

Let us review some examples. The first example is when boarding a ship. One of the places which, everyone, when seeing for the first time, will feel humble and mean before, is the sea. God uses this experience of man to remind him that supplication is in everyone's nature. But they had better not to keep this tool only for the rainy days. They should remember God in any condition and live with His command. In view of this, He says, "When waves cover them like awnings, they invoke Allah, putting exclusive faith in Him. But when He delivers them towards land, [only] some of them remain unswerving. And no one will impugn Our signs except an ungrateful traitor."

The holy Qur'an stresses even in these 90-minutes that if man invokes God, he will surely hear the answer, "Is He who answers the call of the distressed [person] when he invokes Him and removes his distress?"

This is the verse with which we all have invoked God hundreds of times, especially in mosques, and hosseiniehs. You have heard that it is good to recite this verse several times for a patient in bad condition, for a troubled person who is in the worst state, … i.e. for a person who is in utter distress and misery. It means that even if a person, an establishment, a country and a power was negligent in the entire individual, political, scientific and economic life, but they remember God in the 90th minute, God will not leave them alone. This is the climax of affection, mercy, kindness and lordship of the Judge of the universe who intends to return, He is with human being and promises not to leave him alone.

There is an important point in all verses that were mentioned, namely, Towhid or monotheism (Ashhadu alla ilaha il-Allah). That means to reach, grasp and realize that one should live according to the intention, will and rule of God. It means that God has stressed many times: Lo! Have faith that everything is in My authority and no leaf falls from a tree without my permission. And if you see power or glory with others, it is with My permission. And if I don't wish, neither fire will have the ability to burn, nor the sea will be able to flow, nor the human weapons will be usable. Know and understand that even you, as the noble Prophet, when you shoot an arrow, it is with the permission of Me, God. "You did not throw when you threw, rather it was Allah who threw." So, in the course of life, in lifestyle, in the economic issues, in the marital issues, in the political issues, etc. listen only to My commands. Don't think that they can do anything independently for you without My permission. If you reach this, it means that you are distressed; it means that you will not find any refuge except Me and you will be the manifestation of "So, flee toward Allah."

Key phrases: What is supplication? How can we supplicate? God's answer, God hears our voice, What should we ask from God? supplication in the Qur'an

