Jun 27, 2024 13:31 UTC
  • US' concern of North Korea's involvement in war and some NATO members' disappointment of Kiev/ latest developments of Russia-Ukraine war

Pars Today- Training of Ukrainian forces by Finland, US' concern over participation of North Korean forces in Ukrainian war, Hungary's opposition to continuation of Ukrainian war, latest statistics on the Russian special operation in the war and unwillingness of some of the NATO member states to guarantee long-term support for Ukraine are some of the latest developments of Russia-Ukraine war.

Finnish defense minister: We train Ukrainian forces in our own soil

Antti Häkkänen, Finnish Defense Minister announced that Finland trains military forces of the Ukrainian army in this country. Before this, British Secretary of State for Defense, Grant Shapps, had also said that Britain has decided for the first time to send military forces to Ukraine. He claimed that these ground forces would be sent to Kiev to train Ukrainian military forces in the battlefield. According to Sputnik website, the training program for the Ukrainian army, which is supported by ten countries, has provided necessary skills for more than 26,500 recruited Ukrainian forces. According to the announcement of the British defense ministry, it is predicted that till the end of the current year, over 30 thousand Ukrainian soldiers will be trained within the framework of the educational schedule.

Pentagon warns over likely presence of North Korean forces in Ukrainian war

The press secretary of the US defense department was asked during a news conference about the likelihood of sending North Korean forces to Ukraine, while the country is in war with Russia. Pat Ryder said there is no sign of real sending of North Korean forces to the battle, but warned Pyongyang on the progress of such a likelihood. He said, "This is definitely what should be heeded."

Hungary's look at Ukrainian war

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, after meeting with the French President, Emanuel Macron, said, "I said clearly to the French president that Hungary does not work for Ukraine or Russia, but rather it works for peace. Hungary is not opposed to this and that country. Hungary is opposed to war."

Russian special operation and Ukrainian casualties

Russian defense ministry, issuing a statement on Wednesday, announced that during the trend of the Russian operation during 24 hours, the southern unit has improved its tactical position. The armed forces of Ukraine have lost nearly 510 military staff, some military equipment and 3 arsenals. The northern unit has targeted the manpower and equipment of the enemy in 9 suburbs in Kiev. Ukraine has lost approximately 300 military staff in this axis. The western unit of the Russian Army has gained control of more useful positions. 2 counterattacks were repelled and the enemy lost almost 400 forces and an American Paladin howitzers. The forces of the central unit improved their position in the battlefront and the enemy has lost some military forces and a Bradley war vehicle.

Plan of Trump's aides to end Ukrainian war

Reuters announced, in an exclusive report, that "Keith Kellogg" and "Fred Fleitz", two of the key advisors of Donald Trump, former US president and the main Republican candidate for the upcoming presidential election, have given him a plan for ending the war in Ukraine. According to the plan, Washington's will continue its military aids to Ukraine provided that Kiev accepts to start peace talks with Moscow. The plan also mentions that the US simultaneously will warn Russia that refraining from talks will cause Washington to increase its support for Ukraine and with the start of peace talks ceasefire will be set up in the battlefield.

Announcement of Putin's peace plan for Ukrainian war

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in a message to the inauguration of the 10th session of the International Forum, "Primakov readings" at the Global Trade Center of Moscow, expressed hope that this session would pay due attention to Moscow's proposal for peaceful settlement of Ukrainian crisis. He added, "I hope that, contrary to many of the Western politicians who are not intent to examine our initiative, the participants of this international forum would examine it thoughtfully and logically to see if this proposal is able to stop the Ukrainian conflict and lead it towards political and diplomatic settlement."

Europe will give $1.5 billion of Russian money to Ukraine

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said that the transfer of 1.4 billion Euros ($1.5 billion) as the interest of the Russian frozen money to Ukraine has been ratified to be given to the country for military aids. Western countries have frozen nearly $300 billion of Russian government's properties due to the Ukrainian conflict. $280 billion of this money has remained stagnant in the EU.

Unwillingness of some NATO members to guarantee long-term support for Ukraine

According to Blumberg, it seems that some of the NATO allies refuse to announce specific figures of their commitments, since they are not willing to disclose the information related to the real amount of their support for Ukraine. Furthermore, some of the NATO member states say that the rate of their support for Ukraine will oscillate according to the situation of the battlefield. Thus, due to the unpredictable situation of the battlefield in Ukraine and the ambiguity of Kiev's arms needs in future, some of these countries are not intent to present long-term obligations for military support of Ukraine. This is while, Jens Stoltenberg, former NATO Secretary General, had said earlier that this military coalition should be committed to provide 40 billion Euros ($42.9 billion) annually for Kiev as military support and prove that it will stand by Kiev as along as it is necessary.

British concern over spread of Ukrainian war by France

British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, said on Wednesday that, after French president's remarks on possible sending of troops to the Ukrainian war, London is secretly trying to convince Paris to refrain from spread of tensions in this war. Al-Mayadeen channel reported on the issue: Cameron said, "I am eager to know France's seriousness, but I am not sure if they have chosen the right response. We don't want to squabble with them. We just try to tell them secretly that let's, without worsening the situation, think of the things which are helping." Emanuel Macron, the French President, had said in a conference which was held about Ukraine in February in Paris, that the sending of European military forces to the Ukrainian war was being examined.

Key phrases: Ukraine and Russia, US and North Korea, Britain and Ukraine, US and Russia, Hungary and Europe

