Leader warns of decisive punishment for anyone disrupting security of elections
(last modified Sun, 14 May 2017 09:36:19 GMT )
May 14, 2017 09:36 UTC

Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, on Wednesday, May 10, while presiding over the graduation ceremony of military cadets of Imam Husain (AS) University in Tehran, pointed to the “short-term, mid-term and long-term objectives” of the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation, saying security and calm in a country, is one of the honours of the Islamic Republic, despite being the target of arrogant powers.

He advised candidates for the forthcoming presidential elections to observe some issues, such as “clearly and resolutely declaring that the economic and livelihood issues of the people are their priority.” The Leader said in explicit words that “the country’s national security and peace are of paramount importance and the respected candidates must beware not to stoke up ideological, geographical, language and ethnical differences, since their error of judgment would benefit the enemy’s design. He warned that “if anyone found disrupting the country’s security will definitely receive the deserving punishment.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, as Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, reviewed the military units and commended war veterans present on the campus, as well as families of martyrs of the Defenders of the holy shrines of the Prophet’s Household in Syria, who were present at the ceremony. He started his speech by congratulating the gathering and the nation on the blessed birth anniversary of the Lord of the Age, the Prophet’s 12th and Last Infallible Heir, Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance).

He said enemies of Islam and Iran always bear grudges and hostility towards those sectors of the nation on whose shoulders rest the awe and the might of the Islamic Republic. An example in this regard, he pointed out is the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), against whom the signs of fury and frustration have become vividly clear, as is evident by the propaganda and adverse remarks of arrogant powers.

Ayatollah Khamenei cited “science and scientific progress” as another reason for the country’s might, reiterating, “For this very reason, the enemies assassinated our nuclear scientists by dispatching their mercenaries as they harbour rage and spite against Iran’s scientific progress.”

He highlighted the fact that a “strong and independent economy” is one of the elements of the might and power of the Islamic Republic, saying: “The reason behind the imposition of sanctions on Iran and the adoption of various initiatives to harm the country’s economy, is this very reason, and I wish that the country’s faithful economists spell out for our nation the various initiatives of the ill-wishers against the country to harm the country’s economy.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to “military might” as another factor of Iran’s awe and power, reiterating, “The feverish uproar that has been launched over the Islamic Republic’s missile power is due to the frustration and spite they harbour against this element of our might.

As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, he reiterated, “We have missiles and our missiles are very precise and are capable of hitting their targets thousands of kilometers away with high precision. We will strongly safeguard this capability and will also strongly increase it.”

He cited “self-sacrificing military figures” such as martyrs Sayyad Shirazi and Shoushtari as other factors of Iran’s might, saying: “Faith, modesty and morality of the youth and the spirit of indefatigable efforts and resistance of the nation, are the other elements of our national might and that is why they accuse this spirit of resistance and indefatigable efforts as “violence and extremism” and unfortunately some people inside the county repeat this colonial rhetoric.”

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Iran’s armed forces as another factor of national might, stressing, “The bedrock of security for every country is this most important and necessary element, because if there is no security, there would be no scientific and economic progress either.”

After enumerating the factors of national might, Ayatollah Khamenei elucidated the issue of “the state of resistance” and added: “Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is a resistance state and the resistance state means not giving in to bullying and standing on the position of might.”

He said the resistance state cannot be compared to other countries and their bodies, since “the resistance state possesses policy, economy, armed forces, international activity and a wide sphere of influence.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution underscored the fact that the resistance state is always the target of hostility by arrogant powers and their puppets, saying, “the resistance state neither dominates or plunders other countries nor does it stay in a position of defense and passivity.”

He added, “Some people assume that in order to distance ourselves from the accusation of international and regional domineering, we have to withdraw into a defensive shell, but such an assumption is wrong.”

He quoted several ayahs of the Holy Qur’an in this regard, reiterating: “The stance of the resistance state is deterrent might and the power of deterrence and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as before, will continue on the path of the power of deterrence by reliance upon its efforts, struggles, initiatives and talents.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the purpose of the deterrent power of the Islamic Republic is to deter enemies and international bullies from any idea of aggression. He added: “The enemies must realize that if aggression against Iran crosses their mind, they will meet a decisive response because, as has been previously said, the era of ‘hit and run’ is over, and although they may initiate the conflict, the conclusion will not rest with them.

Ayatollah Khamenei then elaborated on the enemy’s goals against the Islamic Republic, saying: “The enemy has put the three short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives on its agenda, in which the short-term goal is ‘the disruption of the country’s security and creating turmoil and sedition.”

He stressed that one of the honours of the Islamic Republic is creation of a safe atmosphere in the current unstable region and the turbulent world, saying, “This security has been created by the nation and the caring officials due to their awareness and vigilance.”

He referred to the issue of “the people’s economy and livelihood” as the mid-term target of the enemies and said: “According to the design of the ill-wishers, the economy of the country should not grow, the livelihood of the people should remain stagnant, jobs add production should not boom and unemployment should be generalized as a plight so the people would ultimately grow frustrated with the Islamic Republic.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described materialization of the motto of the year “Economy of Resistance, Flourishing of National Production and Job Creation” as the only way to counter this goal of the enemy, stressing, “If this path is followed, the enemy will certainly not achieve its goals.”

He said the long term goal of the enemies is overthrowing of the Islamic Republic. He pointed out that although this issue is no longer overtly said by the enemies, in contrast to the early years of the Islamic Revolution, presently they call for “change in attitude” on the part of Iran, which means to force Iran to distance itself from the path of Islam, the path of the Islamic Revolution, and the path of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini (God bless him).”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution then pointed to the issue of the presidential elections scheduled for May 19, and said: “Elections can be both the source for the promotion and honour of the country, as well as a source for weakness, frailty and problems.”

He said if the people participate in the elections in an orderly manner by observing the ethics and respect for Islamic and constitutional bounds, “the elections would certainly be a source for the honour and dignity of the Islamic Republic, but if there is violation of laws and lack of ethics in the elections, and if our remarks help the enemy, the elections will end up to our detriment.”

The Leader said: “I have a few recommendations for the distinguished candidates; first is for them to clearly state in their remarks and agendas that economic issues and the livelihood of the people is their priority and they will work to resolve the economic woes.”

The second recommendation, he said, is the issue of national sovereignty and the greatness and nobility of the Iranian nation which should be conspicuous in the candidates’ remarks and agendas.

Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The Iranian nation is a proud and revolutionary nation and this nation should not be undermined, humiliated and forced to surrender to its enemies. If not for the might of the Iranian nation, the enemy, like in some dependent and mercenary states of the region, would have dominated the country.” He added: “The candidates should clearly show that they are standing up against the unjust demands of the US and the evilness of the Zionists.”

Another important recommendation for the presidential candidates, he said, was “safeguarding national security and peace which are of paramount importance. The candidates should be on guard against any error of judgement that might stoke the ideological, ethnic, geographical, and language differences of the country. The enemy has for long pursued this very objective, but the faithful Kurdish people, the zealous Azeri people, the loyal Arab people of Khuzestan and the respectful people of Baluchestan and the Turkmens (of Golestan) as the proprietors of the revolution have punched the enemies in the mouth and strongly stood against them.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution strongly urged the officials involved in ensuring the security and peace of the country, particularly the Judiciary, police, and the Interior Ministry to safeguard and fully protect the security and said, “If anyone wants to take a measure during the elections against the security of the country, they will definitely face a reaction and a stinging slap.”

He stressed that the enemies displayed stupidity during the 2009 elections and confused a country with the greatness of Iran with some low-tier countries, in which they had previously stirred unrest and turmoil with some tens of millions of dollars, adding, “The result of that idiocy was running into the strong wall of national resolve and determination.”

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: “Security is very important for the country and the people and consequently for me and security must be fully safeguarded in the elections.”

He offered condolences to the nation on the tragic mine accident in Golestan Province and the cowardly killing of border guards in Sistan-Baluchestan Province by terrorists.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution dwelt on the concept of awaiting the reappearance of the Saviour of mankind, Imam Mahdi (AS), saying: “God’s promise is true and the Redeemer will come. He pointed out that “Waiting for the Imam’s reappearance does not mean being impatient, but waiting means ‘perpetual preparedness’ and those waiting should act and reform themselves in a way that the Imam Mahdi (AS) is pleased.”


