Leader Hails Grand Turnout of Voters in Support of Islamic System
(last modified Tue, 23 May 2017 11:18:03 GMT )
May 23, 2017 11:18 UTC

Following the magnificent and epic presence of Iranian people in the 12th presidential Elections and the 5th City and Village Council Elections, on Friday, May 19 that showed a record turnout of over 72 percent of the eligible voters, Leader of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of gratitude and appreciation on Saturday, May 20, in which he underscored a number of important points.

The following is the full text of his message to the nation on the re-election of President Hassan Rouhani.

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Dear Iranian nation, the epic celebration of elections on May 19 once again exhibited before the eyes of the world the dazzling gem of [your] national resolve and determination. Your widespread and enthusiastic participation and fervent flocking towards the polling stations and forming long lines to reach ballot boxes across the country, with people of all walks of life, are all clear signs of the solidity of the foundations of the popular religious governance and public attachment to this great blessing of the Almighty, which made Iran and Iranians proud and dignified during this practical test. Through the massive presence [of the people] and casting of more than forty million votes at the ballot boxes on May 19, a new landmark was achieved in the presidential elections, which demonstrated the daily-growing progress of the Iranian nation with regard to their powerful presence [in all scenes].

The Iranian nation once more pushed back the ill-wishers and the spiteful and jealous [elements], by filling the hearts of its friends and admirers with joy and pride. The [real] winners in these elections are you, the Iranian people, and the Islamic Republic establishment, which despite the enemies’ plots has succeeded in profoundly winning the trust of this great nation and showing new brilliance in every round [of elections]. Friday’s outstanding test was not only about widespread participation, but serenity and soberness and decency of the participants that guaranteed the security of the elections, also constituted an important part of this dazzling test. People from every [social] stratum, [as well as every] taste [and] political affiliation entered the arena side by side and voted for the Islamic Republic establishment shoulder to shoulder.

With humbleness before the Almighty God, I express my gratitude and pray for a deserving beneficence, blessing and reward for the Iranian nation, and express my regards and greetings to the Lord of the Age, Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance), before enumerating a number of points:

I say to the dear people to thank God for the success in holding elections and think about public unity and consensus after anxiousness in the days and weeks leading to elections, because undoubtedly, this is one of the reasons for national solidarity and might. All of you are proud under the aegis of the Islamic Republic establishment and as the offspring of this land [and] should try to identify and follow through your share in advancing the country toward [its] major objectives. The fulfillment of all national aspirations depends on this way of thinking and acting in this manner.

I emphasize and recommend the respected president and all of those, who will be part of the next administration, to pursue motivated, thoughtful and youthful work and effort to do away with country’s problems and do not neglect this straight path even for a single moment.  Having consideration for lower classes, paying attention to villages and impoverished areas, taking into account the priorities and countering corruption and social maladies should be placed atop of all agendas.

National dignity and practice of wisdom in global communications and paying attention to [preserving] international might [of the country] are also among the priorities of Islamic and revolutionary management.

I deem it necessary to thank each and every one of the participants in elections and those who played a role in encouraging them to fulfill this duty, particularly the grand [religious] sources of emulation and great clerics as well as academic and political and cultural and artistic elites.

I also deem it necessary to express my gratitude to the esteemed presidential candidates who played a serious role in this [process of] enlightenment and creating enthusiasm for [participation in] elections.

I deem it necessary to thank all those involved in executive and supervisory stages of the presidential election as well as the city and village elections, who made overwhelming efforts in this regard.

I deem it necessary to express gratitude to those providing security for the elections and the national medium (IRIB) to whose round-the-clock and dexterous efforts [these] enthusiastic elections are owed.

In conclusion, I invite myself and everyone to piety and struggle on the path of the divine and social duty and commitment to the path of the Islamic Revolution, which is the valuable legacy of the great Imam Khomeini and [our] precious martyrs, and pray to the Almighty God for their souls to rest in peace and their ranks [in the Hereafter] to be elevated.

Peace unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


