Mar 27, 2019 15:46 UTC

Welcome to the last episode of the series "Tabriz, 2018". Today, we speak of some of the hotels and guest houses of the city of Tabriz.

The city of Tabriz is the capital of East Azarbaijan Province. It is main economic pole of Iran's Azarbaijan region, and has always maintained commercial, cultural, and political importance. This city is situated 631 kilometers, northwest of Tehran. Tourists can travel to this city via a number of routes.

In this city, hotel industry dates back to more than a hundred years ago. In fact, the first modern guest house of this city was built in the year 1904. Currently, Tabriz accommodates dozens of modern hotels and traditional guest houses, some of which maintain unique beauty and magnificence, and are considered as an integral part of the tourist attractions of this city.

As you know, there are different types of hotels, and tourists choose the hotels they want to reside in, based on their personal taste. Many hotels are located next to banks of rivers, coastlines, at the heart of mountains and rocks, or in the vicinity of sites of pilgrimage, across Iran. There are also a large number of modern hotels in tiny and large cities, across the country. Meanwhile, historical and traditional hotels are highly popular. These hotels are mainly historical and ancient houses, which have been renovated, refurnished and turned into traditional and historical hotels.

There are over 400 historical houses in Tabriz; of which a hundred houses have been enlisted among national historical heritages. Some of them have also been turned into hotels. The historical house of "Ne'matzadeh", dates back to the Qajarid era, which has been reconstructed over the years and has been transformed into the first traditional hotel of the city of Tabriz.

This is a two-story house, which includes a courtyard. It has a balcony, which is supported by four pillars. This house has sashed windows, and its façade has been decorated with brickworks and plasterworks. The building also maintains wooden doors and windows, based on Arabesque designs, in addition to colorful windows; all of which grant magnificent beauty to this traditional hotel.

Eco-tourism has emerged in response to the ever-growing enthusiasm and interest in visiting scenic landscapes and natural sites, and in line with protection of the environment. One of the most important outcomes of eco-tourism has been creation of jobs for the related locals, enabling them to earn a living. Furthermore, in this manner, the related locals are encouraged to protect their environment, their customs and traditions, and their tourist attraction sites.

Eco-tourism, via raising opportunities for development and economic growth can replace other sources of income for locals, and can prevent locals from turning toward other sources for earning a living, such as sale of farmlands, and excessive usage of natural resources.
locals, via displaying their customs and traditions to tourists, selling their handicrafts, and involving tourists in their everyday activities, realize the significant value of their cultural heritage and step up their efforts to safeguard their cultural heritage.

Meanwhile, tourism industry has turned into one of the topics of importance in Iran, for a number of years. Given the high popular demand for traveling; utmost efforts have been made to further facilities for those tourists, who aim to travel to Iran; including construction of a number of hotels and guests houses across the country.

These Iranian hotels and guest houses are highly diversified in relation to design, geographical location, climatic conditions, and cost of residence. For instance, nowadays, tourists can book rooms in five-star hotels, as well as residence in rural houses, and engagement in eco-tourism, throughout many regions of the country.

Homa Guest House, in the vicinity of Tabriz, is comprised of attractive suites for domestic and foreign tourists. These suites have been designed and decorated delicately.

In this guest house, a variety of fresh and organic foods and dishes are served for tourists. Even, tourists can themselves grill their food, and experience rural lifestyle, first hand, in peaceful natural surroundings, and within a rural cottage, far from the hustle and bustle of city life. Consumption of tasty local dishes, usage of the courtyard of this guest house, which has been artistically designed, and the extraordinary scenic landscape are some of the other advantages of residence in this unique guest house.

This guest house has been located in Kandovan Village, sixty-two kilometers from the city of Tabriz. This village is a winter quarter and is situated in a mountainous region; such that there is no need for a cooling system for those tourists who travel to this village in the summer season.

Furthermore, the International Laleh Kandovan Hotel is situated next to this village. This international hotel has ordinary rooms, a Jacuzzi, in addition to royal and imperial suites, with unique designs.

It should also be noted that the city of Tabriz maintains sisterhood with 13 other cities, around the world.

