Jun 25, 2017 09:07 UTC

Welcome to the 30th and last episode of the series “Blessed Month of Ramadhan”. On the eve of Eid al-Fitr, we wholeheartedly pray for the Muslims who are faced with the flames of war and seditious plots. We sympathize with the oppressed, and we beseech God for restoration of peace in their homelands, while wishing an appropriate future for the Islamic Ummah, wherever they are.

The spiritually delightful days and nights of the blessed month of Ramadhan passed one after another. Now on the last day of this month of fasting when we were Guests of God, we are all prepared to bid farewell to the Divine Banquet that was spread out for the believers to partake of the showers of Divine Mercy.

It is interesting to recall that upon arrival of the fasting month of Ramadhan, we came to realize how we needed these blessed hours, days, and nights. The blessed month was a wakeup call, inspiring us to pay more attention to the ethical and spiritual values, making us realize that life is meaningful and pleasant if we establish a firm bond with our Loving Creator. In Ramadhan, we were granted the opportunity to take stock of our life, review our shortcomings, rectify them, repent in the Divine Court and reform our behaviours. The urge to do good deeds, observe the daily ritual prayers, be kind to family members, donate to the poor and needy, and avoid misdeeds were each means for establishment of a closer bond with God. The proper cognizance of God and proximity to Him became feasible in this blessed month. Now, the important point is that to what extent can we maintain the achievements of this month in our lives, for good?

This year’s Ramadhan was unfortunately concurrent with a number of bitter and tragic incidents. The oppressed people of American-occupied Afghanistan continued to be subjected to more barbaric acts of terrorism. In the spurious British-created entity called Saudi Arabia, the US-backed heretical Wahhabi cult continued to make life miserable for the followers of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt or Shi’a Muslims in Awamiya, Qatif and other eastern parts of the Arabian Peninsula. At the same time, the oppressed people of Yemen were subjected to horrific aerial bombardment in the blessed month of Ramadhan by the Saudi regime. As the Muslims of Iraq and Syria made gains in liberating their lands, the retreating Takfiri terrorists continued their crimes against humanity by massacring unarmed civilians, including women and children. In the Persian Gulf island state of Bahrain, the repressive Aal-e Khalifa minority regime continued its crimes against the long suppressed majority to the extent of desecrating mosques and hussainiyes. In the usurped land of Palestine, the Zionist criminals continued their state terrorism against the defenceless Palestinian men, women, and children, bulldozing their homes, shops and farmlands. In Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaki, the Leader of the Islamic Movement, along with his wife and scores of innocent members of the country’s Shi’a Muslim community, continued to be held in prison in blessed Ramadhan by the military despite the orders for his release by the Federal Court. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, a team of terrorists backed by Saudi Arabia and the US, carried out dastardly attacks on the parliament building in Tehran and the mausoleum of the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (God bless him), resulting in the martyrdom of 18 citizens and injury to scores of others. We pray to God Almighty to deliver the Muslims from oppression the Great Satan, the US, and its devilish agents, who are destabilizing the whole world. Amen.

Ayahs 27 to 30 of Surat-al-Fajr of the Holy Qur’an states:

“O soul at peace! Return to your Lord, pleased, pleasing! Then enter among My servants! And enter My paradise!”

These ayahs begin, addressing the soul at peace which has attained calm and tranquility through constant remembrance of God, and is content with whatever God decrees. The tranquil soul fully believes that the material world and whatever in it is a prelude to the Hereafter. Thus, neither material prosperity in life misleads the possessor of the tranquil soul nor does poverty result in ingratitude. Such an individual serves God under any condition, and puts emphasis on the righteous path.

At this point, God directly invites the soul at peace to return to His presence. Such servitude of God, upon reaching complete submission to God, naturally means that the possessor of the tranquil soul has a lofty place in the paradise. That is the reason, God Almighty, addressing it, calls it to return to Divine Presence, pleased and pleasing, for entry into the bless of paradise where the virtuous dwell.

Muslims of the world, after a month of fasting, prayers, worship of God, and other benevolent acts in Ramadhan, reach Eid al-Fitr, the Feast of Thanksgiving to the Lord Most High for having blessed the believers with the month-long Divine Banquet. Muslims prepare themselves for Eid al-Fitr. After performing the special Eid Prayer, people pay visit to families and friends.

One of the most important foods that are offered on this occasion is delicious cookies. Generally speaking, hosts usually offer cookies and cakes to guests in gatherings. However, unfortunately, overeating cookies deals major blows to health. One of the detrimental aspects of excessive consumption of cookies is a surge in blood pressure and cholesterol, which ultimately may cause cardiovascular ailments. Obesity and its related side effects could be due to overeating sweeties. So, in order to protect one’s health, we are better off, avoiding excessive consumption of cookies. Also, excessive consumption of nuts is not recommended. Consumption of salty nuts is not recommended for those, who suffer from a high blood pressure, and cardiovascular illnesses. Daily moderate consumption of nuts and dried fruits doesn’t cause a problem for women, children, and teenagers because it meets their body needs for the elements of iron and magnesium.

Iranian Nutritionist, Ali-Reza Jahannia, notes: “Avoidance of foods and drinks for long hours during the blessed month of Ramadhan leads to adoption of the digestion system with these conditions. So, in the initial days after the blessed month of Ramadhan, overeating and/or eating very cold or warm meals should be avoided. Otherwise, the digestion system could be harmed, making the individual suffer for a long time.”

He says breakfast should be moderately consumed and lunch should be a moderate meal. He also recommends a light meal such as yoghurt and cucumber, or cheese and watermelon for dinner.

Note that a month of fasting can lead to a change in one’s metabolism based on conditions. Thus, metabolism of energy in body relatively drops. Therefore, avoid overeating in the days after the blessed month of Ramadhan to make the best of the blessed moments of Eid al-Fitr.

