Apr 06, 2016 09:43 UTC

In this edition of the program we discuss the health and peace of psyche and spirit.

Family unit has the most important role in bringing up a child. The importance of family goes to the extent that the social status of the child is determined in the first twenty years of his/ her life inside the family unit. Children inherit their parents’ characteristics and by creating an appropriate atmosphere, the ground is set for the growth, development and manifestation of children’s skills.

A family is also responsible for fulfilling the child’s material and spiritual needs so that the child’s physical and psychological health is guaranteed. Children who are deprived of family love and affection may suffer terribly in the future.

A person’s spiritual health begins before birth. The emotional atmosphere of home, the amount of stress a mother endures during pregnancy, and the relationship between husband and wife all before the nine months a child is born, all determines the fate of the child. After the child is born, he/ she needs is his/ her parents’ love and affection in order to enjoy a healthy character. The child needs to grow in a peaceful environment. As much as the relationship between parents and their child is friendlier and warmer, the more the parents will be influential in their children’s fate.

Parents should also act equally between their children and should avoid comparing their children.

Adolescence is a sensitive period in life when children change physically, mentally and psychologically from being a child to being a young adult. Parents’ lack of awareness about these changes in this period may have bad consequences on the future of their child, and may even lead to their children’s ethical deviations.

The period after adolescence is youth. Youth is the time between childhood and adulthood which is an experience that may shape an individual's level of dependency, which can be marked in various ways.

Youths may experience a shift in their education, finding a job and choosing a spouse in this period of their life.

And the last but not the least is that the mental and psychological health of a child depends on the peace of mind and the mental health of his / her parents and this process starts much before the child is born.