Jan 28, 2019 12:42 UTC

We discussed some highlights of the speech of Leader of the Islamic at Imam Reza's shrine in Mashhad on the occasion of the Iranian New Year on March 21, 2018. Today we will touch upon some other highlights of his comprehensive speech.

The rights of the oppressed nations have been trampled upon for decades and maybe centuries. This is not restricted to Palestine. Bahrain has been the arena of nationwide protests against the Ale Khalifa regime since February 14, 2011. These protests have never been subsided as the regime is adamantly persisting in its wrong policies and repression of the people. In 2011 a number of protesters were brutally suppressed which claimed the martyrdom of scores of them and injury of others. On March 15, 2011, concurrent with the arrival of then US Secretary of War, Robert Gates, the Saudi military and a few days later Emirati forces invaded Bahrain which led to shedding of the blood of innocent Bahrainis. The Bahraini regime raised to the ground the structure at Pearl Square which was the symbol of the revolution. During the past 8 years, the despotic unpopular regime in Manama has embarked on forging allegations against protesters, imprisonment and execution of them and even revocation of prominent figures' nationality.

Ale Khalifa rulers thought that, through Saudi provocations, they could cement the bases of their shaky rule by iron feast. In a futile bid to exit from the dead-end it has created, the Bahraini regime has resorted to projectionism to depict Iran as the cause of internal unrest. The fact is that Manama has been entrapped in the interventionist policies of Riyadh. Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq Society says the political solution and meeting the demands of the Bahraini nations is inevitable and any delay in this will be costly.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, addressing the Iranian officials and ambassadors of the Islamic countries, said in June, 2016, "We haven't interfered and will not interfere in the issue of Bahrain; but we are advising them that it is a political conflict there. Some people are trying to lead the political conflict into an internal war. If they are aware, if they have cognizance, if political intellect rules them, they shouldn't do these things. Political dissent and political conflict may exist in every country. Why should they do something forcing nations to quarrel and putting people opposite each other? These are the mistakes that are unfortunately seen today in some of the Islamic countries."

 The Ale Khalifa regime, relying on the supports of mendacious claimants of human rights and presence of Saudi repressive occupiers, demonstrated their brutality against the people on June 20, 2016 when they revoked the nationality of a great scholar, namely Sheikh Issa Qasim. Although the unwise decision of the Ale Khalifa regime is in utter violation of international laws and regulations, it will make the people more determined and will bolster their spirit. Meanwhile, the western regimes, which claim to defend human rights especially the US, have made themselves content to express concern!

The Islamic Republic of Iran defends and supports the Bahraini Shia nation as much as it defends the Palestinian nations who are Sunni. Iran emphasizes on realization of just demands of the people of Egypt and Tunisia, just as it has been concerned over the violation of the rights of the people in Bahrain, Arabia and other parts of the world.

Ayatollah Khamenei considers the massacre of the people of Myanmar, Nigeria and other regions as the result of the policies of the Global Arrogance which seeks to cause division among Muslims and weaken them. He says, "The Islamic world is today beset by ample hardships and sufferings; and 'unity, synergy, cooperation and ignoring sectarian and intellectual differences under the shade of many Islamic commonalities' is the solution for these problems and calamities."

 The oppressed nations, inspired by Iran's Islamic Revolution, have come got to the belief that it is possible to encounter the despotic and domineering systems. Hence, the culture of resistance in the form of Islamic movements in the Islamic world and the culture of fighting oppression have taken shape in the world.

The Islamic Revolution is passing its 40th year of life and the culture of resistance is guiding the oppressed nations like a lighthouse. Universalization of the values of this revolution has disturbed the sleep of the hegemonic powers especially the US. The days of the US empire, it main partner-in-crime the Zionist regime of Israel and their lackeys and hangers-on are numbered and they cannot stop the trend of developments as God has willed to topple tyranny and oppression for good.   

