• Italian blood samples revive debate over first signs of COVID in Europe

    Italian blood samples revive debate over first signs of COVID in Europe

    Jul 29, 2021 19:06

    Renewed tests of blood samples collected in Italy as early as October 2019 have revived a debate over whether coronavirus was circulating in Europe before Chinese authorities confirmed the first case in Wuhan.

  • US-Philippines arms deal aims at South China Sea

    US-Philippines arms deal aims at South China Sea

    Jun 30, 2021 09:16

    The Pentagon said recently the U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of F-16 fighter jets, as well as Sidewinder and Harpoon missiles, to the Philippines in three separate deals with a combined value of more than $2.5 billion.

  • Rich countries urged to come up with detailed plans to cut emissions

    Rich countries urged to come up with detailed plans to cut emissions

    Jun 17, 2021 09:26

    The G7 summit, which ended on Sunday June 13 in Cornwall, achieved much less than campaigners had hoped, with no significant new cash forthcoming for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, on the frontlines of climate breakdown.

  • Renaming COVID-19 variants will help fight racism

    Renaming COVID-19 variants will help fight racism

    Jun 14, 2021 15:46

    Labeling COVID-19 “the Chinese disease,” or naming a variant “Indian,” serves little purpose other than to hand a gift to the ignorant and the ill-intentioned – those who are either unable or unwilling to understand what is going on, or who are quick to seize on any “evidence” that can be manipulated to reinforce their prejudices.

  • China moves forward in soft power struggle for SE Asia

    China moves forward in soft power struggle for SE Asia

    Jun 14, 2021 15:41

    China has made inroads with its “win-win” Belt and Road Initiative, despite US warnings of debt traps, environmental damage and coercion. Its COVID diplomacy – donating vaccines and even partnering with Indonesia to produce more – has also been far superior to that of the US, which – by necessity – has been focused on getting its own house in order.

  • China to fire back at US sanctions

    China to fire back at US sanctions

    Jun 11, 2021 07:34

    China will soon pass a law to strike back against the countries that have imposed sanctions on Chinese state organs, enterprises, organizations and functionaries, including those with links to the People’s Liberation Army.

  • US is chasing China’s tail on 5G

    US is chasing China’s tail on 5G

    Jun 02, 2021 20:15

    China opened its first 5G-enabled fully-automated port a year ago in Xiamen, with automated cranes stacking containers on driverless trucks. Shanghai’s Yangshan Port began fully automated, 24-hour operations in August 2020. In late 2020, Shandong Energy Group began operations at an automated coal mine controlled by a 5G network.

  • China seizes vaccine diplomacy lead over US

    China seizes vaccine diplomacy lead over US

    May 21, 2021 15:43

    China contends that it is selflessly coming to the aid of the pandemic-stricken developing world by exporting nearly as much Covid-19 vaccine as it uses domestically.

  • China has landed its first rover on Mars — here’s what happens next

    China has landed its first rover on Mars — here’s what happens next

    May 19, 2021 14:12

    The landing of Zhurong was the biggest test yet of China’s deep-space exploration capabilities. Within days it could start to make geological discoveries.

  • Suez Canal logjam boosts China-Europe rail link

    Suez Canal logjam boosts China-Europe rail link

    Mar 31, 2021 16:12

    New proposals have been made to expand the capacity of the express rail cargo lines between Chinese plants and European nodes and slash not only time but also cost to lure more goods to flow overland from China to Europe. 2020 data from the Suez Canal’s operator shows as much as 80% of the trade between Asia and Europe still flows via the Canal.