• World’s growth cools and the rich-poor divide widens

    World’s growth cools and the rich-poor divide widens

    Oct 14, 2021 20:01

    The International Monetary Fund has warned the emergency support provided by central banks and finance ministries during the COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled speculation and left the world vulnerable to another financial crisis.

  • With likely victory of Andrés Arauz, Ecuador will join Latin America’s anti-imperialist surge

    With likely victory of Andrés Arauz, Ecuador will join Latin America’s anti-imperialist surge

    Jan 29, 2021 21:14

    Ecuador is just weeks away from becoming the latest Latin American nation to move away from the IMF and United States and elect a strongly progressive, anti-imperialist government.

  • What bankers are really worried about

    What bankers are really worried about

    May 06, 2020 11:35

    Europe’s banks have often complained about too much regulation hampering their ability to lend. The COVID-19 epidemic shows that when times are bad the real constraint lies elsewhere: In the financial markets.

  • IMF refuses aid to Venezuela in midst of Covid-19 crisis

    IMF refuses aid to Venezuela in midst of Covid-19 crisis

    Mar 22, 2020 19:24

    Recently Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro met with senior government officials in Caracas. During the meeting, the Venezuelan pharmaceutical body (CIFAR) and Venezuelan medical equipment companies said they would be able to increase production of machines and medicines to stem the coronavirus crisis; but, they said, they would need key raw materials that have to be imported.

  • Wikileaks reveals US military use of IMF, World Bank as “unconventional” weapons

    Wikileaks reveals US military use of IMF, World Bank as “unconventional” weapons

    Feb 13, 2019 13:05

    This “US coup manual,” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, serves as a reminder that the so-called “independence” of such financial institutions as The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an illusion and that they are among the many “financial weapons” regularly used by the US government to bend countries to its will, says MintPress writer Whitney Webb in her article titled: Wikileaks Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons”.