• World mum on Saudi-UAE war crimes in Yemen

    World mum on Saudi-UAE war crimes in Yemen

    Jan 21, 2022 15:18

    Perhaps, peace in the UN jargon means the conquest of Yemen by Saudi Arabia and the UAE with their unending supply of state-of-the-art weapons from the US, Britain, and France; coupled with the total subjugation of the poor people of Yemen as the slaves of the West and even of the illegal Zionist entity.

  • UN policies expand theatre of Yemen war into UAE

    UN policies expand theatre of Yemen war into UAE

    Jan 20, 2022 23:05

    The United Nations Organization is supposed to be strictly neutral and to spare no efforts in brokering peace between or among its member states without taking sides with any party. This appears fine on paper, especially on the UN Charter, but in practice the so-called World Body has long deviated from its goals and allowed itself to be used as a tool for serving the vested interests of some of its founding members, especially the US.

  • UAE rewards Israeli regime firms that supplied arms for Gaza massacre

    UAE rewards Israeli regime firms that supplied arms for Gaza massacre

    Nov 27, 2021 09:24

    The United Arab Emirates is rewarding Israeli regime arms makers that helped massacre Palestinians earlier this year.

  • The Arab-Israeli dagger aimed at the heart of Islam

    The Arab-Israeli dagger aimed at the heart of Islam

    Nov 17, 2021 19:02

    The joint military maneuvers that are underway in the Red Sea region involving the UAE, Bahrain, the US, and the illegal Zionist entity have been aptly called “a dagger in the heart of al-Qods, Palestine and all the nations of the region.”

  • After slamming Trump, US lawmakers silent on Biden drone export policy

    After slamming Trump, US lawmakers silent on Biden drone export policy

    May 19, 2021 19:20

    The door is open for US drone sales to authoritarian countries like the United Arab Emirates.

  • Why is Biden selling weapons to a country that helped make Yemen a ‘hell hole’?

    Why is Biden selling weapons to a country that helped make Yemen a ‘hell hole’?

    May 09, 2021 13:09

    The Biden administration’s recent announcement giving a green light to a massive $23 billion weapons sale to the United Arab Emirates makes a mockery of its commitment to put human rights at the forefront of its foreign policy.

  • 'Shame': Biden to advance Trump-era sale of $23 billion in F-35s and armed drones to UAE

    'Shame': Biden to advance Trump-era sale of $23 billion in F-35s and armed drones to UAE

    Apr 18, 2021 09:32

    Anti-war activists warned that the UAE agreement, which will likely take years to complete, would put more high-tech weaponry under the control of a country that has shown complete disregard for human rights in Yemen and elsewhere.

  • British royals lend legitimacy to tyrannical Arab monarchies

    British royals lend legitimacy to tyrannical Arab monarchies

    Apr 12, 2021 09:14

    Peter Ford, Former British Ambassador to Bahrain said “I can say from personal experience that the Persian Gulf rulers are very generous with the money of their citizens, and are very ready to shower visiting British royals with very expensive gifts. It was one reason, why the British Royals were always super happy to visit Persian Gulf monarchies, they were guaranteed to receive expensive gifts like diamonds, race horses, holidays on private island and cars.”

  • In Yemen, 6 years of suffering and death in an ill-fated war

    In Yemen, 6 years of suffering and death in an ill-fated war

    Apr 02, 2021 13:56

    Nearly a quarter of a million people have died since the start of the Saudi-UAE- US invasion of Yemen because of indiscriminate air strikes, a blockade, and preventable diseases resulting from the destruction of civilian infrastructure and a shortage of medical supplies.

  • Yemeni families file petition against US for 'unlawful' killing of scores of relatives

    Yemeni families file petition against US for 'unlawful' killing of scores of relatives

    Jan 31, 2021 19:35

    According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the U.S. has carried out at least 336 drone strikes in Yemen between 2004 and 2020. The strikes, which span three presidential administrations, have killed as many as 1,389 people, including up to 225 civilians—among them 44 to 50 children.