• Voices from inside the besieged Venezuelan embassy

    Voices from inside the besieged Venezuelan embassy

    Apr 29, 2019 14:38

    “If the US invades the Venezuelan Embassy tomorrow, it will send a message to the world that no embassy is safe in the United States… it’s a message that ‘if you don’t bow down to us, do what we tell you, put in the government that we’d like, we will take your embassy.”

  • The beast behind the mask

    The beast behind the mask

    Apr 24, 2019 10:55

    The United States of America is exposing its real face more and more. Thus, it is absolutely foolish to think that the US is in pursuit of democracy, human rights and other values which have never been observed even in the so-called American values, American Dream and so on.

  • Russia, China and Iran defend Venezuela, warn US against mischief

    Russia, China and Iran defend Venezuela, warn US against mischief

    Apr 22, 2019 11:07

    The Free World is resolved to confront the bullying of the US and its extra-territorial measures against independent countries.

  • Venezuela walks from OAS as body violates charter in support of US-backed coup

    Venezuela walks from OAS as body violates charter in support of US-backed coup

    Apr 20, 2019 16:41

    “You have converted the Organization of American States (OAS) into an empty shell that has violated its own principles and you’re now proving that our decision to resign was the correct one. We are leaving the OAS and we will never come back.”

  • A threatening monster

    A threatening monster

    Apr 08, 2019 11:08

    The American President Donald Trump keeps bragging about the US power and tries to intimidate other nations through rhetoric. But he himself knows well that the days of American supremacy are already numbered and the monster is a paper tiger.

  • Trump's CIA now unbound and back to its traditional hijinks

    Trump's CIA now unbound and back to its traditional hijinks

    Mar 23, 2019 08:54

    CIA has always been involved in US's criminal acts across the world. A recent example is the power cut in Venezuela. Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist, has dwelt upon the issue in an article titled, "Trump's CIA Now Unbound and Back to Its Traditional Hijinks". 

  • NY Times admits US-backed Venezuela opposition caused aid fire

    NY Times admits US-backed Venezuela opposition caused aid fire

    Mar 18, 2019 09:43

    Initial Reports by Alternative Press that the torching of the relief shipped to Venezuela was by elements on the payroll of Washington and not by the government as alleged by the Americans.

  • Rubio’s gloating betrays US sabotage in Venezuela power blitz

    Rubio’s gloating betrays US sabotage in Venezuela power blitz

    Mar 17, 2019 18:01

    US imperialists are so desperate in their regime-change predations over Venezuela, they seem to have a problem controlling their drooling mouths.

  • Germany's uber hypocrisy over Venezuela

    Germany's uber hypocrisy over Venezuela

    Mar 14, 2019 20:32

    Some of the European governments have blindly supported the US in its recent conspiracy against Venezuela. Germany is one of the most conspicuous ones in this regard. Famous Irish analyst and expert of political affairs, Finian Cunningham, has touched upon the issue in his article titled, "Germany's Uber Hypocrisy over Venezuela."

  • Lights out! Did Trump and his Neocons recycle Bush-era plan to knock out Venezuela’s power grid?

    Lights out! Did Trump and his Neocons recycle Bush-era plan to knock out Venezuela’s power grid?

    Mar 13, 2019 10:02

    Even as the Venezuelan government held the US responsible for the recent power outage, calling it “sabotage,” and saying the US has long had a plan on the books for targeting the civilian power grid of adversarial nations.