• How to lobby Washington to death

    How to lobby Washington to death

    May 20, 2019 15:47

    A springtime wedding in Northern Yemen’s Al-Raqah village took place in April 2018, a moment of reprieve from the turmoil and devastation of that war-torn country, a moment to celebrate life, love, and the birth of a new family. Exuberant enjoyment was a central part of the festivities.

  • Ramadhan in Yemen: World Food Programme aid rots as millions grapple with hunger

    Ramadhan in Yemen: World Food Programme aid rots as millions grapple with hunger

    May 13, 2019 09:05

    While the Saudi war on Yemen has continued for over 4 years, the world is witnessing the starvation of a nation right before the eyes of the UN which is responsible for maintenance of justice and peace in the world and prosecution of criminals and aggressors.

  • Yemen death toll to surpass 230,000 – what next?

    Yemen death toll to surpass 230,000 – what next?

    May 03, 2019 07:23

    Now that United Nations warns that about 231,000 Yemenis will have died from hunger, disease and lack of health clinics by the end of this year, it should do the next best thing: force the Saudis to stop the war on this defenseless nation.

  • Native mercenaries abandon Saudi coalition, join Ansarallah

    Native mercenaries abandon Saudi coalition, join Ansarallah

    May 01, 2019 09:13

    Native Yemeni mercenaries, including officers and sheiks, have abandoned the Saudi Coalition and returned to their homes after being offered general amnesty by the Ansarallah-allied Yemeni army.

  • On Trump’s shameful decision for Yemen

    On Trump’s shameful decision for Yemen

    Apr 25, 2019 22:54

    The database tracker from the Armed Conflict and Location Event Data Project has issued a new data on Yemen, showing more than 70,000 have been martyred in the US-backed, Saudi-led war just since January 2016. This is a huge amount of deaths, and if there is some decrease in fighting in Hodeida because of UN talks, it’s not like the war is slowing much.

  • Congress demands end to Yemen war: now what?

    Congress demands end to Yemen war: now what?

    Apr 15, 2019 17:00

    Just recently, the US Congress did something unprecedented on foreign policy. For the first time since it overrode President Nixon’s veto to pass the 1973 War Powers Resolution in the wake of the Vietnam War, both the Senate and the House voted to direct the president to withdraw from an unauthorized military conflict.

  • Saudis Slaughter Schoolchildren in Sana’a with US Support

    Saudis Slaughter Schoolchildren in Sana’a with US Support

    Apr 12, 2019 21:56

    The latest act of state terrorism of Saudi Arabia in Yemen has shocked the world and led to worldwide condemnation but the US, which is the godfather of all terrorism, has tacitly approved the killing of civilians, including children.

  • Yemen, the 5th year of fire and blood (2)

    Yemen, the 5th year of fire and blood (2)

    Apr 12, 2019 21:48

    The Saudi Coalition war against Yemen entered its fifth year on March 26, 2019. What took place during the 4 years of the Saudi-led war were the most heinous war crimes. In the previous program we briefly reviewed the genocide unleashed by the Saudi regime and its comrades-in-crime against Yemen during the past four years.

  • Yemen, the 5th year of fire and blood (1)

    Yemen, the 5th year of fire and blood (1)

    Apr 12, 2019 21:21

    The Saudi-led war on Yemen entered its fifth year on March 26, 2019. What took place during four years of war against Yemen has been full of war crimes. In a two-part program, we will discuss some of the crimes against Yemen during four years.

  • Failure of Saudi coalition's imposed war on Yemeni nation

    Failure of Saudi coalition's imposed war on Yemeni nation

    Apr 05, 2019 15:33

    The belligerence of Saudi regime against the impoverished Arab country, Yemen, has entered its fifth year. This war has lingered despite several rounds of peace talks, while the people of Yemen are slaughtered by Saudi invaders, who have resorted to prohibited weaponry.