• Saudis having lost the war, try genocide in Yemen with media complicity

    Saudis having lost the war, try genocide in Yemen with media complicity

    Nov 21, 2017 07:30

    Saudi Arabia, unable to make the Yemenis bow to its dictates despite three years of intense bombing that have destroyed the infrastructure of the Arab World’s poorest country, has resorted to genocide with the complicity of the western and Arab media, which distorts facts and spreads lies.

  • The Malign Hand of British Foreign Policy in Yemen

    The Malign Hand of British Foreign Policy in Yemen

    Oct 13, 2017 12:21

    The bloodbath in Yemen by Saudi Arabia is not only blatantly backed by Washington’s state-of-the-art military technology, but has the covert supply of sophisticated weapons from London, the old colonial power responsible which in 1932 mischievously created the spurious entity called Saudi Arabia for the desert brigand from Najd, Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud. This is an analytical article by journalist John Wight titled “The Malign Hand of British Foreign Policy in Yemen”.

  • Yemen: War crimes the world can no longer ignore

    Yemen: War crimes the world can no longer ignore

    Sep 12, 2017 16:01

    The war in Yemen is now in its third year and the situation in the Arab world’s poorest country is worsening by the day as Saudi Arabia, the richest Arab country, with the support of the US, continues its state terrorism, despite the destruction of the infrastructure and the spread of famine and epidemics.

  • Hunger games: How modern imperialism creates famine around the world

    Hunger games: How modern imperialism creates famine around the world

    Sep 09, 2017 08:51

    Countries like Yemen, Chad and South Sudan have been devastated by famine and starvation in recent years, with millions of people suffering despite a global surplus of food. But the problem is not a lack of resources - they are starving due to the effects of unending Western imperialism. Now we have Eric Draitser’s feature on Stop Imperialism site titled “Hunger Games: How Modern Imperialism Creates Famine around the World”.

  • Yemen: The US and Saudi Arabia’s slow genocide

    Yemen: The US and Saudi Arabia’s slow genocide

    Aug 26, 2017 09:16

    Yemen, which is by all measures the poorest country in the Arab world, is facing near total economic and social collapse as it continues to be crushed under the weight of a Saudi-led war backed by the United States. Now we have an investigative piece in this regard that appeared on the MintPress website as follows:

  • Confidential UN report suggests Saudi-led coalition failing in Yemen

    Confidential UN report suggests Saudi-led coalition failing in Yemen

    Aug 24, 2017 10:43

    According to a confidential UN report the so-called Arab coalition assembled by Riyadh is falling apart regarding its assault on Yemen.

  • Bombed bin trucks, breeding bacteria, dirty water: Yemen’s cholera explosion

    Bombed bin trucks, breeding bacteria, dirty water: Yemen’s cholera explosion

    Aug 15, 2017 09:31

    Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country, has been afflicted with the epidemic of Cholera because of the total destruction of its infrastructure and the killing of scores of thousands of its citizens, by Saudi Arabia, the richest country of the Arab world, which did not want its neighbour to have an elected popular government of its own.

  • Ignoring the Human Disaster as Cholera spreads in Saudi-bombed Yemen

    Ignoring the Human Disaster as Cholera spreads in Saudi-bombed Yemen

    Jul 17, 2017 10:25

    According to a recent report in the MintPress, the West’s protestations about human rights sound hollow when one looks at Yemen where the US and UK place profits from arms sales to Saudi Arabia over the carnage those weapons are inflicting.

  • 18 Abu Ghraib like prisons in southern Yemen

    18 Abu Ghraib like prisons in southern Yemen

    Jul 16, 2017 14:34

    The Saudi-led occupying forces have set up sub-human prisons in southern Yemen on the patterns of the US prison in Guantanamo.

  • Yemeni tragedy – the culprits are known

    Yemeni tragedy – the culprits are known

    Jun 15, 2017 13:55

    In his televised address before the flag of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, Aden’s former governor Aidarous al-Zubaidi said that the tribal, military and political leaders of "South" Yemen had formed a new Council that would manage the region.