• Yemen: In a country stalked by disease, COVID barely registers

    Yemen: In a country stalked by disease, COVID barely registers

    Dec 02, 2020 17:59

    At the beginning of 2020, as COVID-19 began to spread from China and around the world, health workers and aid agencies predicted that the virus’s impact on Yemen’s vulnerable population would be catastrophic, forecasting a 90 percent infection rate.

  • Yemen: Trump is showering Saudi Arabia with last-minute gifts

    Yemen: Trump is showering Saudi Arabia with last-minute gifts

    Dec 02, 2020 11:26

    While the administration of Donald Trump readies its exit from the White House and the West Asia region, Saudi Arabia’s use of American diplomatic cover and weapons alike has taken on a fevered pace as the Kingdom deepens the tragedy it has afflicted upon Yemen, where millions of forgotten people are struggling against a cold winter, starvation, epidemics, and the worst blockade in the modern era.

  • Four years ago, US bombs killed hundreds at a Yemeni funeral. Those bombs are still used today

    Four years ago, US bombs killed hundreds at a Yemeni funeral. Those bombs are still used today

    Oct 13, 2020 10:12

    Ten-year-old Ahmed Radwan al-Khazan holds his father’s photo in one hand and a wilted rose in the other. He sits on a chair surrounded by rubble and ash in what is left of Mourning Square.

  • Yemen: Finding ways to fight back against Saudi Arabia’s war on electricity

    Yemen: Finding ways to fight back against Saudi Arabia’s war on electricity

    Oct 08, 2020 20:44

    Western weapons supplied to Saudi Arabia and coalition allies have destroyed Yemen’s transmission lines, power stations, and other facilities, and a near-total blockade forbids Yemenis from rebuilding, leaving critical services like health, water, and sanitation woefully underserved.

  • Wrong time to abandon people of Yemen

    Wrong time to abandon people of Yemen

    Oct 04, 2020 20:09

    The UN has failed to bring to account the Saudi regime and its allies that started the illegal war against Yemen. The UN needs to fulfill its responsibilities, as hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people are at risk of dying simply from starvation in the blockaded country.

  • Saudi gift to Yemen: Bloodied oil

    Saudi gift to Yemen: Bloodied oil

    Sep 28, 2020 11:29

    Saudi Arabia unleashed its military might against its poor, impoverished neighbor Yemen in 2015, which has resulted in death and destruction of biblical proportions, in a bid, according to Riyadh, to return ousted president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to power. Throughout this five year period the Saudis have intentionally allowed the war to rage on with the intent to plunder Yemen’s almost untapped oil and gas reserves amid spiraling chaos and power vacuum.

  • Video shows British soldier being arrested for opposing UK arming of Saudi Arabia

    Video shows British soldier being arrested for opposing UK arming of Saudi Arabia

    Sep 02, 2020 16:42

    British soldier Ahmed Al-Babati has been arrested for opposing the United Kingdom’s role in the Saudi-led US and UK- supported war against Yemen.

  • Blockade still a serious problem for northern Yemen

    Blockade still a serious problem for northern Yemen

    Aug 02, 2020 08:52

    Despite the coronavirus pandemic, there has been no sign of any easing of the Saudi-led blockade of Yemen. Also despite repeated UN demands over the past weeks for the Saudis to allow aid in, not only have the Saudis not accepted the repeated international calls for aid to be allowed in, there’s no sign that the Saudis have acknowledged the calls at all, seemingly ignoring the situation entirely as the civilian toll mounts.

  • Modern ignorance of Saudis in Yemen

    Modern ignorance of Saudis in Yemen

    Jul 29, 2020 13:33

    As the war moves on, the Yemeni Ansarullah Movement and army have grown more and more powerful as Riyadh comes to face the intolerable costs of this war. This should give them the chills and leave them with enough determination to bring the war to an unconditional end. The time to face their modern ignorance, selfishness and exceptionalism is here and now.

  • Why US lawmakers want troops in Yemen

    Why US lawmakers want troops in Yemen

    Jul 23, 2020 18:55

    Obviously, peace is not a priority for Washington, and ending the war on Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world is not important to the US officials, including their impulsive and erratic president. The United States continues to fuel Saudi-led coalition jets, according to figures obtained from the US military.