• Imam Khamenei to American students: You are on the right side of history

    Imam Khamenei to American students: You are on the right side of history

    May 30, 2024 10:17

    Pars Today- Imam Khamenei, in a letter to the conscientious students supporting the Palestinian people in US universities, expressing sympathy and solidarity with their anti-Zionist protests, called them a part of the resistance front and, referring to the situation and fate of the sensitive West Asian region, stressed that this is a new page in world history.

  • European students' message:

    European students' message: "No" to US and Israeli dominance over Europe

    May 25, 2024 14:03

    Pars Today- The suppression of the European students criticizing the war on Gaza and the regime which has occupied Palestine, on the verge of holding European Parliament election, has created an unprecedented situation in the geostrategic field. This situation can have an impact on the infrastructure of governance in Europe.

  • Why are occupiers of Palestine scared of uprising in US universities?

    Why are occupiers of Palestine scared of uprising in US universities?

    Apr 27, 2024 14:07

    Pars Today- Abdulbari Atwan, editor of the trans-regional daily Rai al-Youm and the renowned analyst of the Arab world, has touched upon the issue of broad anti-Israeli protests in the American universities in his recent article, writing, "I have never seen in my life as brazen an image as that of the Occupying regime's premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, who published a video on Twitter (X) condemning the student revolution in the American universities and considering it as anti-Semitism.

  • 6 Points about American students' pro-Palestine protests + Photos

    6 Points about American students' pro-Palestine protests + Photos

    Apr 27, 2024 15:55

    Pars Today - American universities have become the scene of student protests against Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip. Despite facing threats, including suspension, arrest, and loss of job opportunities, American students have started these protests.

  • US students stage lie-in protest before WH after Florida school shooting

    US students stage lie-in protest before WH after Florida school shooting

    Feb 20, 2018 08:28

    Students in the United States are protesting President Donald Trump’s gun policy in the backdrop of a deadly shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.