Apr 18, 2019 06:34 UTC
  • Jordanian Ambassador to Romania Saker Malkawi (file photo)
    Jordanian Ambassador to Romania Saker Malkawi (file photo)

Jordan will recall its ambassador to Romania in a show of protest after it announced plans to relocate its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to the occupied al-Quds, reports say.

According to Press TV, Jordanian media outlets reported that King Abdullah II had approved a decision of the Council of Ministers to call in Saker Malkawi on June 1.

Last month, the Jordanian monarch canceled a visit to Romania to protest its prime minister's support for recognizing al-Quds as Israel's capital.

The Royal Hashemite Court said on March 25 that the decision came "in solidarity with al-Quds”, following the announcement by Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila. King Abdullah was scheduled to visit Romania later in the day.

Dancila made the announcement in a speech in Washington at the annual conference of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the main pro-Israel lobby group in the United States.

King Abdullah II, whose country is the custodian of Islamic holy sites in al-Quds, has repeatedly said that the question of the occupied Palestinian city is key to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The only way to do that, he has said, is by creating a Palestinian state in the disputed holy city alongside Occupied Palestine.
In mid-March, he called al-Quds a “red line” for Jordan, while the kingdom's parliament recommended that the government expel Israel's ambassador in response to "Israeli aggression" at holy sites in the city. Last May, US President Donald Trump sparked international outrage when he relocated the US embassy from Tel Aviv.

Al-Quds was occupied by the Tel Aviv regime during the Six-Day War in 1967, and is deemed the capital of a future independent Palestinian state.

